Create and set up main database on a PostgreSQL server
Set up basic GET requests for Users, Vehicles, Assignments
Set up POST requests for Users, Vehicles, Assignments
Add token/cookie(?) authentication
Let’s keep updating this file as we complete our tasks
How to launch
First, make sure that python is installed. Create a virtual environment (if you want to)
python -m venv venv
source /venv/bin/activate
(not necessary)
run the docker image provided to launch postgresql (telegram)
install dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
open terminal in the app directory, and launch with:
uvicorn main:app --reload
python3 -m uvicorn main:app --reload
Git Guide
Git Reference: despite its name it is more of a user guide.
“Pro Git” Book: by a core developer, also a thorough user guide.
Git Documentation: the official reference (also accessible with git help command)
Think Like a Git: a course for “advanced beginners” that know basic committing but want to make sense of the Git model. Especially useful if you come from SVN to really clear misconceptions about git.
Git Concepts Simplified: Similar to the previous link, but less in-depth and more straightforward.
Git Immersion: learn Git by using it on carefully crafted examples of increasing complexity.
Git from the bottom up: A book to learn git by first understanding the simplicity and beauty of its internals.
Git Magic: complete opposite of “Git from the bottom up” in that it treats Git as a magical gizmo you’ll learn to use without drowning into the underlying storage and history model.