1 year ago | |
app | 1 year ago | |
.gitignore | 1 year ago | |
README.md | 1 year ago | |
requirements.txt | 1 year ago |
goals to be met:
First, make sure that python is installed. Create a virtual environment (if you want to)
python/python3 -m venv venv
source /venv/bin/activate
(not necessary)
run the docker image provided to launch postgresql (telegram)
install dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
open terminal in the app directory, and launch with:
uvicorn main:app --reload
python3 -m uvicorn main:app --reload
app //main app
|-alembic //Alembic -- database migration manager. Helps keep databases in sync and changeable (handles all SQL logic and keeps everything up-to-date)
| |- //All files irrelevant
|-apis //Stores the actual API Endpoints.
| |-v1 //Main API endpoints
|-core //Core project components
|-db //Stores database information and data
| |-models //Stores database models (represents SQL Tables)
| |-repository //Stores scripts to create, update and interact with the database
|-schemas //Stores Pydantic data models (Kind of like db/models except for use in the API itself, not just the database. Uses for data validation and stuff)
git help command