import tkinter from tkinter import * from os.path import expanduser from tkinter import filedialog from tkinter.ttk import Progressbar from urllib.request import urlopen as uReq from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as soup import io from mtranslate import translate import playsound import sys import time from threading import * import os from tkinter import messagebox desktop = expanduser("~/Documents") agency = "verge" def chooseDirectory(): currdir = os.getcwd() tempdir = filedialog.askdirectory(parent=root, initialdir=currdir, title='Please select a directory') = tempdir def switchAgencies(agencies): print("called Agencies") if agencies == "verge": print("switching to techradar") agencies = "techradar" else: print("switching to verge") agencies = "verge" button4['text'] = agencies class Scrapers(object): def __init__(self): self.thread1 = None self.stop_threads = Event() self.stopped = False self.CloseLabel = Label(root, text = "Finalizing before breaking!") = desktop self.needToSkip = False def waitandkill(self): time.sleep(1) if (self.stopped == True): print("DEAD") else: self.waitandkill def stopTheThread(self): print("CALLED ME TOO?") self.stop_threads.set() self.CloseLabel.pack() self.waitandkill print("calling wait") def skip(self): self.needToSkip = True def start_thread(self): Skip = Button(topFrame, text = "SKIP!", command = self.skip) Skip.pack(side = BOTTOM) try: f = + "/TranslatedNews.txt", "w", encoding="utf-8") except IOError: print("FILE ERROR!" + + "/TranslatedNews.txt") messagebox.showerror("ACCESS ERROR!", "We can't access "+ + "/TranslatedNews.txt") sys.exit() try: f = + "/News.txt", "w", encoding="utf-8") except IOError: print("FILE ERROR!" + + "/News.txt") messagebox.showerror("ACCESS ERROR!", "We can't access "+ + "/News.txt") sys.exit() if self.thread1!=None: print("NO!") else: self.thread1 = Thread(target = self.start_now) self.thread1.start() threadActive = 1 def start_now(self): print("Getting" + button4['text']) if button4['text'] == "techradar": progress = Progressbar(topFrame, orient = HORIZONTAL, length = 100, mode = 'determinate') progress['value'] = 0 progress.pack(side = TOP) Labels = Label(topFrame, text = "SCRAPING") Labels.pack(side = TOP) texts = "change" main_url = '' uClient = uReq(main_url) page_html = uClient.close() page_soup = soup(page_html, "html.parser") containers = page_soup.findAll("div",{"class":"listingResult"}) Articles = len(containers) print(Articles) filename = + "/News.txt" trans_filename = + "/TranslatedNews.txt" f =, "w", encoding="utf-8") f.write("ACTIVE") t =, "w", encoding ="utf-8") t.write("ACTIVE") Labels.config(text = "setting file!") i = 0 CurrentTitle = Label(topFrame, text = "Preparing...") CurrentTitle.pack(side = TOP) for container in containers: i = i + 1 Labels.config(text = "jumping to URL!") print(container["class"]) if 'sponsored-post' in container["class"]: print("\n WE'VE CATCHED AN AD!") continue progress['value'] = i * 100 / Articles local_progress = Progressbar(topFrame, orient = HORIZONTAL, length = 120, mode = 'determinate') local_progress['value'] = 0 local_progress.pack(side = BOTTOM) requiredURL = container.a["href"] secondary_URL = requiredURL print("Set target URL!" + requiredURL) secClient = uReq(secondary_URL) news_html = secClient.close() news_soup = soup(news_html, "html.parser") news_soup.decode('utf-8', 'ignore') squash = news_soup.findAll("div",{"class":"icon-plus_circle"}) print(len(squash)) if len(squash)>0: print("\n WARNING! THIS IS NOT AN ARTICLE! ") print(container.div["class"]) continue news_containers = news_soup.findAll("header") if len(news_containers)>0: news_title = news_containers[0].h1.text CurrentTitle.config(text = news_title) Labels.config(text = "Extracted Title!") else: print("ERROR! NO TITLE AT "+secondary_URL) Labels.config(text = "Failed to extract title") news_body = news_soup.findAll("div", {"id":"article-body"}) print("\n TITLE: " + news_title) f.write("\n \n" + news_title + "\n") print("Now translating...") translatedQuery = translate(news_title, "ru", "en") t.write("\n \n" + translatedQuery + "\n") paragraphs = news_body[0].findAll("p") print("Title Recorded!") local_progress['value'] = 10 y = len(paragraphs) x = 0 fullText = "" fullText2 = "" for paragraph in paragraphs: x = x + 1 local_progress['value'] = x * 100 / y + 10 stringx = str(x) Labels.config(text = "Getting paragraph " + stringx + "...") print(paragraph.text + "\n \n \n") if x >= y/2: fullText2 = fullText2 + paragraph.text.strip() else: fullText = fullText + paragraph.text.strip() Labels.config(text = "Written and Translated Paragraph" + stringx + "!") print("Writing Paragraph " + stringx + "...") if self.needToSkip: break if self.needToSkip: self.needToSkip = False continue translatedQuery = translate(fullText, "ru", "en") completeText = translatedQuery translatedQuery = translate(fullText2, "ru", "en") completeText = completeText + translatedQuery f.write("\n" + fullText + fullText2) t.write("\n" + completeText) news_picture = news_soup.findAll("source", {"class":"hero-image"}) Labels.config(text = "Getting image...") if len(news_picture) > 0: article_pic = news_picture[0].get("data-original-mos") Labels.config(text = "Picture recieved!") else: print("\n THIS ARTICLE HAS NO PICTURE! ") Labels.config(text = "Failed to locate picture :(") local_progress['value'] = 120 f.write("\n PICTURE URL: " + article_pic) t.write("\n PICTURE URL: " + article_pic) if self.stop_threads.is_set(): print("I SURRENDER!") self.stopped = True f.close() t.close() self.CloseLabel.config(text = "you may close now") sys.exit() self.CloseLabel.config(text = "I tried, I failed") break else: print("NOTHING IS STOPPING ME!") Labels.config(text = "Finished the article!") #brand = divWithInfo.div.a.img["title"] #title_container = divWithInfo.find("a", "item-title") #product_name = title_container.text #shipping_container = divWithInfo.find("li", "price-ship") #shipping_cost = shipping_container.text.strip() #print("brand:"+brand) #print("name:"+product_name) #print("shipping:"+shipping_cost) #print("\n") #f.write(brand + "," + product_name.replace(",", "|") + "," + shipping_cost + "\n") Labels.config(text = "All Done!") f.close() t.close() else: progress = Progressbar(topFrame, orient = HORIZONTAL, length = 100, mode = 'determinate') progress['value'] = 0 progress.pack(side = TOP) Labels = Label(topFrame, text = "SCRAPING") Labels.pack(side = TOP) texts = "change" main_url = '' uClient = uReq(main_url) page_html = uClient.close() page_soup = soup(page_html, "html.parser") containers = page_soup.findAll("div",{"class":"c-compact-river__entry"}) Articles = len(containers) filename = + "/News.txt" trans_filename = + "/TranslatedNews.txt" f =, "w", encoding="utf-8") f.write("ACTIVE") t =, "w", encoding ="utf-8") t.write("ACTIVE") Labels.config(text = "setting file!") i = 0 CurrentTitle = Label(topFrame, text = "Preparing...") CurrentTitle.pack(side = TOP) for container in containers: i = i + 1 Labels.config(text = "jumping to URL!") print(container["class"]) if container["class"] == ['c-compact-river__entry', 'c-compact-river__entry--featured']: print("\n WE'VE CATCHED A BUG!") continue if container.div["class"] != ["c-entry-box--compact", "c-entry-box--compact--article"]: print("\n WARNING! THIS IS NOT AN ARTICLE! ") print(container.div["class"]) continue progress['value'] = i * 100 / Articles local_progress = Progressbar(topFrame, orient = HORIZONTAL, length = 120, mode = 'determinate') local_progress['value'] = 0 local_progress.pack(side = BOTTOM) requiredURL = container.div.a["href"] secondary_URL = requiredURL print("Set target URL!") secClient = uReq(secondary_URL) news_html = secClient.close() news_soup = soup(news_html, "html.parser") news_soup.decode('utf-8', 'ignore') news_containers = news_soup.findAll("div", {"class":"c-entry-hero__header-wrap"}) if len(news_containers)>0: news_title = news_containers[0].h1.text CurrentTitle.config(text = news_title) Labels.config(text = "Extracted Title!") else: print("ERROR! NO TITLE AT "+secondary_URL) Labels.config(text = "Failed to extract title") news_body = news_soup.findAll("div", {"class":"c-entry-content"}) print("\n TITLE: " + news_title) f.write("\n \n" + news_title + "\n") print("Now translating...") translatedQuery = translate(news_title, "ru", "en") t.write("\n \n" + translatedQuery + "\n") paragraphs = news_body[0].findAll("p") print("Title Recorded!") local_progress['value'] = 10 y = len(paragraphs) x = 0 fullText = "" fullText2 = "" for paragraph in paragraphs: x = x + 1 local_progress['value'] = x * 100 / y + 10 stringx = str(x) Labels.config(text = "Getting paragraph " + stringx + "...") print(paragraph.text + "\n \n \n") if x >= y/2: fullText2 = fullText2 + paragraph.text.strip() else: fullText = fullText + paragraph.text.strip() Labels.config(text = "Written and Translated Paragraph" + stringx + "!") print("Writing Paragraph " + stringx + "...") if self.needToSkip: break if self.needToSkip: self.needToSkip = False continue translatedQuery = translate(fullText, "ru", "en") completeText = translatedQuery translatedQuery = translate(fullText2, "ru", "en") completeText = completeText + translatedQuery f.write("\n" + fullText + fullText2) t.write("\n" + completeText) news_picture = news_soup.findAll("picture", {"class":"c-picture"}) Labels.config(text = "Getting image...") if news_picture[0].img != None: article_pic = news_picture[0].img.get("src") Labels.config(text = "Picture recieved!") else: print("\n THIS ARTICLE HAS NO PICTURE! ") Labels.config(text = "Failed to locate picture :(") local_progress['value'] = 120 f.write("\n PICTURE URL: " + article_pic) t.write("\n PICTURE URL: " + article_pic) if self.stop_threads.is_set(): print("I SURRENDER!") self.stopped = True f.close() t.close() self.CloseLabel.config(text = "you may close now") sys.exit() self.CloseLabel.config(text = "I tried, I failed") break else: print("NOTHING IS STOPPING ME!") Labels.config(text = "Finished the article!") #brand = divWithInfo.div.a.img["title"] #title_container = divWithInfo.find("a", "item-title") #product_name = title_container.text #shipping_container = divWithInfo.find("li", "price-ship") #shipping_cost = shipping_container.text.strip() #print("brand:"+brand) #print("name:"+product_name) #print("shipping:"+shipping_cost) #print("\n") #f.write(brand + "," + product_name.replace(",", "|") + "," + shipping_cost + "\n") Labels.config(text = "All Done!") f.close() t.close() texts = "VERGE SCRAPPER" root = Tk() program = Scrapers() mainT = Thread(target=program.start_now) try: texts except NameError: theLabel = Label(root, text = "VERGE SCRAPER") theLabel.pack() print("NO TEXTS!") else: theLabel = Label(root, text = texts) theLabel.pack() print("FOUND TEXTS!") stop_thread = False topFrame = Frame(root) topFrame.pack() bottomFrame = Frame(root) bottomFrame.pack(side=BOTTOM) button1 = Button(topFrame, text = "Start Scrapping!", command = program.start_thread) button4 = Button(topFrame, text = agency, command = lambda: switchAgencies(button4['text'])) button2 = Button(topFrame, text = "Choose Text Location", fg = "black", command = chooseDirectory) button3 = Button(topFrame, text = "STOP!", fg = "red", command = program.stopTheThread) button3.pack(side = TOP) button1.pack(side= TOP) button4.pack(side= TOP) button2.pack(side = TOP) root.mainloop()