@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ function life:init( y , x , fat, undead) |
self.hasRandomTarget = false |
self.sx = x |
self.sy = y |
self.hasPrey = nil |
self.lifeSpan = math.random(50, 100) |
if undead then |
self.lifeSpan = undead |
@@ -31,7 +32,7 @@ function life:update(dt) |
if self.fat <= 0 or self.lifeSpan <= 0 then |
self.dead = true |
end |
self.fat = self.fat - self.width*0.001*dt |
self.fat = self.fat - self.width*0.004*dt |
if not self:checkIfEating() then |
self:lookForFood(dt) |
end |
@@ -40,26 +41,87 @@ function life:update(dt) |
self.width = self.width/2 |
self.fat = self.fat/2-5 |
self.childrenCount = self.childrenCount + 1 |
if self.childrenCount == 1 then |
self.RED = 0.2 |
end |
if self.childrenCount == 2 then |
self.RED = 0.4 |
self.GREEN = 0.1 |
end |
if self.childrenCount == 3 then |
self.RED = 0.6 |
self.GREEN = 0.2 |
end |
if self.childrenCount == 4 then |
self.RED = 0.8 |
self.GREEN = 0.3 |
self.BLUE = 0.1 |
end |
if self.childrenCount == 5 then |
self.RED = 1 |
self.GREEN = 0.7 |
self.BLUE = 0.5 |
end |
end |
end |
print(self.fat) |
end |
function life:starving() |
return self.fat < self.width * 0.5 |
end |
function life:findPrey() |
if self.hasPrey == nil then |
closestPrey = 999999 |
for i, prey in ipairs(bugs) do |
dist = math.sqrt((self.x - prey.x)^2 + (self.y-prey.y)^2) |
if prey.width < self.width and prey ~= self and dist < closestPrey then |
self.sx, self.sy = prey.x, prey.y |
closestPrey = dist |
print("going to " .. i) |
self.hasPrey = prey |
end |
end |
else |
if self.hasPrey.dead then |
self.hasPrey = nil |
return |
end |
self.sx, self.sy = self.hasPrey.x, self.hasPrey.y |
print("going to " .. self.sx .. self.sy) |
if math.abs(self.x-self.hasPrey.x) < self.width/2 and math.abs(self.y-self.hasPrey.y) < self.width/2 then |
if (math.random(0, 30) + self.width > math.random(0, 30) + self.hasPrey.width) then |
self.fat = self.hasPrey.fat + self.fat - 5 |
self.hasPrey.fat = 5 |
self.hasPrey.dead = true |
self.hasPrey = nil |
else |
self.dead = true |
end |
end |
end |
end |
function life:lookForFood(dt) |
self.closest = 9000000 |
print("looking for food...") |
for i, food in ipairs(edibles) do |
dist = math.sqrt((self.x - food.x)^2 + (self.y-food.y)^2) |
if dist < self.closest and dist < self.fat*20 then |
if dist < self.closest and dist < self.fat*20 and self.hasPrey == nil then |
self.closest = math.sqrt((self.x - food.x)^2 + (self.y-food.y)^2) |
self.sx, self.sy = food.x, food.y |
print("going to " .. i) |
self.hasRandomTarget = true |
elseif not self.hasRandomTarget then |
self.sx, self.sy = math.floor(math.random(0, VIRTUAL_WIDTH)), math.floor(math.random(0, VIRTUAL_HEIGHT)) |
print(self.sx) |
self.hasRandomTarget = true |
if (self:starving()) then |
self:findPrey() |
else |
self.sx, self.sy = math.floor(math.random(0, VIRTUAL_WIDTH)), math.floor(math.random(0, VIRTUAL_HEIGHT)) |
print(self.sx) |
self.hasRandomTarget = true |
end |
end |
end |
if self.hasRandomTarget and math.abs(self.x - self.sx) < 5 and math.abs(self.y-self.sy) < 5 then |
@@ -70,7 +132,11 @@ function life:lookForFood(dt) |
self:goTo(self.sx, self.sy, dt) |
end |
function life:goTo(x, y, dt) |
self.speed = (10 + self.fat * 0.5 ) |
local factor = 1 |
if self.hasPrey ~= nil then |
factor = 3 |
end |
self.speed = (10 + self.fat * 0.5 ) * factor |
if (x-self.x) ~= 0 then |
self.m = (y-self.y)/(x-self.x) |
if y-self.y > 0 then |
@@ -127,9 +193,15 @@ function life:checkIfEating() |
end |
function life:render() |
love.graphics.setColor(self.RED, self.GREEN, self.BLUE, self.fat*20/200) |
love.graphics.setColor(self.RED, self.GREEN, self.BLUE, self.fat*25/255) |
if self.hasPrey ~= nil then |
love.graphics.setColor(255, 0, 0, self.fat*3/255) |
end |
love.graphics.circle('fill', self.x, self.y, self.width) |
love.graphics.setColor(255,255,255,255) |
love.graphics.printf(math.floor(self.lifeSpan), smallfont, self.x+self.width, self.y, self.width*10, 'left') |
--draw line from self to self.sx, self.sy |
love.graphics.setColor(255, 0, 0, 255) |
love.graphics.line(self.x, self.y, self.sx, self.sy) |
love.graphics.setColor(255, 255, 255, 255) |
end |