- import time
- import json
- import sys
- sys.path.insert(0, '/rpclib/')
- from rpclib import rpc
- from time import mktime
- from yandex_music import Client
- with open('config.json') as f:
- y = json.load(f)
- print(y)
- client = Client.from_credentials(y["email"], y["password"])
- print("Starting")
- client_id = '877154344124960809'
- rpc_obj = rpc.DiscordIpcClient.for_platform(client_id)
- print("RPC connection successful.")
- lastTrack = "none"
- time.sleep(5)
- start_time = mktime(time.localtime())
- while True:
- queues = client.queues_list()
- last_queue = client.queue(queues[0].id)
- last_track_id = last_queue.get_current_track()
- last_track = last_track_id.fetch_track()
- artists = ', '.join(last_track.artists_name())
- title = last_track.title
- print(f'AListening to: {artists} - {title}')
- if (title != lastTrack):
- print("CHANGED")
- activity = {
- "state": title,
- "details": f'Listening to {artists} -',
- "assets": {
- "small_text": "Yandex",
- "small_image": "og-image",
- "large_text": "Madi",
- "large_image": "pongnew"
- }
- }
- rpc_obj.set_activity(activity)
- lastTrack = title
- time.sleep(50)