- import tkinter
- from tkinter import *
- from os.path import expanduser
- from tkinter import filedialog
- from tkinter.ttk import Progressbar
- from urllib.request import urlopen as uReq
- from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as soup
- import io
- from mtranslate import translate
- import playsound
- import sys
- import time
- from threading import *
- import os
- from tkinter import messagebox
- desktop = expanduser("~/Documents")
- def chooseDirectory():
- currdir = os.getcwd()
- tempdir = filedialog.askdirectory(parent=root, initialdir=currdir, title='Please select a directory')
- program.directory = tempdir
- class Scrapers(object):
- def __init__(self):
- self.thread1 = None
- self.stop_threads = Event()
- self.stopped = False
- self.CloseLabel = Label(root, text = "Finalizing before breaking!")
- self.directory = desktop
- self.needToSkip = False
- def waitandkill(self):
- time.sleep(1)
- if (self.stopped == True):
- print("DEAD")
- else:
- self.waitandkill
- def stopTheThread(self):
- print("CALLED ME TOO?")
- self.stop_threads.set()
- self.CloseLabel.pack()
- self.waitandkill
- print("calling wait")
- def skip(self):
- self.needToSkip = True
- def start_thread(self):
- Skip = Button(topFrame, text = "SKIP!", command = self.skip)
- Skip.pack(side = BOTTOM)
- try:
- f = io.open(self.directory + "/TranslatedNews.txt", "w", encoding="utf-8")
- except IOError:
- print("FILE ERROR!" + self.directory + "/TranslatedNews.txt")
- messagebox.showerror("ACCESS ERROR!", "We can't access "+ self.directory + "/TranslatedNews.txt")
- sys.exit()
- try:
- f = io.open(self.directory + "/News.txt", "w", encoding="utf-8")
- except IOError:
- print("FILE ERROR!" + self.directory + "/News.txt")
- messagebox.showerror("ACCESS ERROR!", "We can't access "+ self.directory + "/News.txt")
- sys.exit()
- if self.thread1!=None:
- print("NO!")
- else:
- self.thread1 = Thread(target = self.start_now)
- self.thread1.start()
- threadActive = 1
- def start_now(self):
- progress = Progressbar(topFrame, orient = HORIZONTAL, length = 100, mode = 'determinate')
- progress['value'] = 0
- progress.pack(side = TOP)
- Labels = Label(topFrame, text = "SCRAPING")
- Labels.pack(side = TOP)
- texts = "change"
- main_url = 'https://www.theverge.com/tech'
- uClient = uReq(main_url)
- page_html = uClient.read()
- uClient.close()
- page_soup = soup(page_html, "html.parser")
- containers = page_soup.findAll("div",{"class":"c-compact-river__entry"})
- Articles = len(containers)
- filename = self.directory + "/News.txt"
- trans_filename = self.directory + "/TranslatedNews.txt"
- f = io.open(filename, "w", encoding="utf-8")
- f.write("ACTIVE")
- t = io.open(trans_filename, "w", encoding ="utf-8")
- t.write("ACTIVE")
- Labels.config(text = "setting file!")
- i = 0
- CurrentTitle = Label(topFrame, text = "Preparing...")
- CurrentTitle.pack(side = TOP)
- for container in containers:
- i = i + 1
- Labels.config(text = "jumping to URL!")
- print(container["class"])
- if container["class"] == ['c-compact-river__entry', 'c-compact-river__entry--featured']:
- print("\n WE'VE CATCHED A BUG!")
- continue
- if container.div["class"] != ["c-entry-box--compact", "c-entry-box--compact--article"]:
- print(container.div["class"])
- continue
- progress['value'] = i * 100 / Articles
- local_progress = Progressbar(topFrame, orient = HORIZONTAL, length = 120, mode = 'determinate')
- local_progress['value'] = 0
- local_progress.pack(side = BOTTOM)
- requiredURL = container.div.a["href"]
- secondary_URL = requiredURL
- print("Set target URL!")
- secClient = uReq(secondary_URL)
- news_html = secClient.read()
- secClient.close()
- news_soup = soup(news_html, "html.parser")
- news_soup.decode('utf-8', 'ignore')
- news_containers = news_soup.findAll("div", {"class":"c-entry-hero__header-wrap"})
- if len(news_containers)>0:
- news_title = news_containers[0].h1.text
- CurrentTitle.config(text = news_title)
- Labels.config(text = "Extracted Title!")
- else:
- print("ERROR! NO TITLE AT "+secondary_URL)
- Labels.config(text = "Failed to extract title")
- news_body = news_soup.findAll("div", {"class":"c-entry-content"})
- print("\n TITLE: " + news_title)
- f.write("\n \n" + news_title + "\n")
- print("Now translating...")
- translatedQuery = translate(news_title, "ru", "en")
- t.write("\n \n" + translatedQuery + "\n")
- paragraphs = news_body[0].findAll("p")
- print("Title Recorded!")
- local_progress['value'] = 10
- y = len(paragraphs)
- x = 0
- fullText = ""
- fullText2 = ""
- for paragraph in paragraphs:
- x = x + 1
- local_progress['value'] = x * 100 / y + 10
- stringx = str(x)
- Labels.config(text = "Getting paragraph " + stringx + "...")
- print(paragraph.text + "\n \n \n")
- if x >= y/2:
- fullText2 = fullText2 + paragraph.text.strip()
- else:
- fullText = fullText + paragraph.text.strip()
- Labels.config(text = "Written and Translated Paragraph" + stringx + "!")
- print("Writing Paragraph " + stringx + "...")
- if self.needToSkip:
- break
- if self.needToSkip:
- self.needToSkip = False
- continue
- translatedQuery = translate(fullText, "ru", "en")
- completeText = translatedQuery
- translatedQuery = translate(fullText2, "ru", "en")
- completeText = completeText + translatedQuery
- f.write("\n" + fullText + fullText2)
- t.write("\n" + completeText)
- news_picture = news_soup.findAll("picture", {"class":"c-picture"})
- Labels.config(text = "Getting image...")
- if news_picture[0].img != None:
- article_pic = news_picture[0].img.get("src")
- Labels.config(text = "Picture recieved!")
- else:
- Labels.config(text = "Failed to locate picture :(")
- local_progress['value'] = 120
- f.write("\n PICTURE URL: " + article_pic)
- t.write("\n PICTURE URL: " + article_pic)
- if self.stop_threads.is_set():
- print("I SURRENDER!")
- self.stopped = True
- f.close()
- t.close()
- self.CloseLabel.config(text = "you may close now")
- sys.exit()
- self.CloseLabel.config(text = "I tried, I failed")
- break
- else:
- Labels.config(text = "Finished the article!")
- #brand = divWithInfo.div.a.img["title"]
- #title_container = divWithInfo.find("a", "item-title")
- #product_name = title_container.text
- #shipping_container = divWithInfo.find("li", "price-ship")
- #shipping_cost = shipping_container.text.strip()
- #print("brand:"+brand)
- #print("name:"+product_name)
- #print("shipping:"+shipping_cost)
- #print("\n")
- #f.write(brand + "," + product_name.replace(",", "|") + "," + shipping_cost + "\n")
- Labels.config(text = "All Done!")
- f.close()
- t.close()
- texts = "VERGE SCRAPPER"
- root = Tk()
- program = Scrapers()
- mainT = Thread(target=program.start_now)
- try:
- texts
- except NameError:
- theLabel = Label(root, text = "VERGE SCRAPER")
- theLabel.pack()
- print("NO TEXTS!")
- else:
- theLabel = Label(root, text = texts)
- theLabel.pack()
- print("FOUND TEXTS!")
- stop_thread = False
- topFrame = Frame(root)
- topFrame.pack()
- bottomFrame = Frame(root)
- bottomFrame.pack(side=BOTTOM)
- button1 = Button(topFrame, text = "Start Scrapping!", command = program.start_thread)
- button2 = Button(topFrame, text = "Choose Text Location", fg = "black", command = chooseDirectory)
- button3 = Button(topFrame, text = "STOP!", fg = "red", command = program.stopTheThread)
- button3.pack(side = TOP)
- button1.pack(side= TOP)
- button2.pack(side = TOP)
- root.mainloop()