- local love11 = love.getVersion() == 11
- local getDPI = love11 and love.window.getDPIScale or love.window.getPixelScale
- local windowUpdateMode = love11 and love.window.updateMode or function(width, height, settings)
- local _, _, flags = love.window.getMode()
- for k, v in pairs(settings) do flags[k] = v end
- love.window.setMode(width, height, flags)
- end
- local push = {
- defaults = {
- fullscreen = false,
- resizable = false,
- pixelperfect = false,
- highdpi = true,
- canvas = true,
- stencil = true
- }
- }
- setmetatable(push, push)
- function push:applySettings(settings)
- for k, v in pairs(settings) do
- self["_" .. k] = v
- end
- end
- function push:resetSettings() return self:applySettings(self.defaults) end
- function push:setupScreen(WWIDTH, WHEIGHT, RWIDTH, RHEIGHT, settings)
- settings = settings or {}
- self:applySettings(self.defaults) --set defaults first
- self:applySettings(settings) --then fill with custom settings
- windowUpdateMode(self._RWIDTH, self._RHEIGHT, {
- fullscreen = self._fullscreen,
- resizable = self._resizable,
- highdpi = self._highdpi
- })
- self:initValues()
- if self._canvas then
- self:setupCanvas({ "default" }) --setup canvas
- end
- self._borderColor = {0, 0, 0}
- self._drawFunctions = {
- ["start"] = self.start,
- ["end"] = self.finish
- }
- return self
- end
- function push:setupCanvas(canvases)
- table.insert(canvases, { name = "_render", private = true }) --final render
- self._canvas = true
- self.canvases = {}
- for i = 1, #canvases do
- push:addCanvas(canvases[i])
- end
- return self
- end
- function push:addCanvas(params)
- table.insert(self.canvases, {
- name = params.name,
- private = params.private,
- shader = params.shader,
- canvas = love.graphics.newCanvas(self._WWIDTH, self._WHEIGHT),
- stencil = params.stencil or self._stencil
- })
- end
- function push:setCanvas(name)
- if not self._canvas then return true end
- return love.graphics.setCanvas(self:getCanvasTable(name).canvas)
- end
- function push:getCanvasTable(name)
- for i = 1, #self.canvases do
- if self.canvases[i].name == name then
- return self.canvases[i]
- end
- end
- end
- function push:setShader(name, shader)
- if not shader then
- self:getCanvasTable("_render").shader = name
- else
- self:getCanvasTable(name).shader = shader
- end
- end
- function push:initValues()
- self._PSCALE = (not love11 and self._highdpi) and getDPI() or 1
- self._SCALE = {
- x = self._RWIDTH/self._WWIDTH * self._PSCALE,
- y = self._RHEIGHT/self._WHEIGHT * self._PSCALE
- }
- if self._stretched then --if stretched, no need to apply offset
- self._OFFSET = {x = 0, y = 0}
- else
- local scale = math.min(self._SCALE.x, self._SCALE.y)
- if self._pixelperfect then scale = math.floor(scale) end
- self._OFFSET = {x = (self._SCALE.x - scale) * (self._WWIDTH/2), y = (self._SCALE.y - scale) * (self._WHEIGHT/2)}
- self._SCALE.x, self._SCALE.y = scale, scale --apply same scale to X and Y
- end
- self._GWIDTH = self._RWIDTH * self._PSCALE - self._OFFSET.x * 2
- self._GHEIGHT = self._RHEIGHT * self._PSCALE - self._OFFSET.y * 2
- end
- function push:apply(operation, shader)
- self._drawFunctions[operation](self, shader)
- end
- function push:start()
- if self._canvas then
- love.graphics.push()
- love.graphics.setCanvas({ self.canvases[1].canvas, stencil = self.canvases[1].stencil })
- else
- love.graphics.translate(self._OFFSET.x, self._OFFSET.y)
- love.graphics.setScissor(self._OFFSET.x, self._OFFSET.y, self._WWIDTH*self._SCALE.x, self._WHEIGHT*self._SCALE.y)
- love.graphics.push()
- love.graphics.scale(self._SCALE.x, self._SCALE.y)
- end
- end
- function push:applyShaders(canvas, shaders)
- local _shader = love.graphics.getShader()
- if #shaders <= 1 then
- love.graphics.setShader(shaders[1])
- love.graphics.draw(canvas)
- else
- local _canvas = love.graphics.getCanvas()
- local _tmp = self:getCanvasTable("_tmp")
- if not _tmp then --create temp canvas only if needed
- self:addCanvas({ name = "_tmp", private = true, shader = nil })
- _tmp = self:getCanvasTable("_tmp")
- end
- love.graphics.push()
- love.graphics.origin()
- local outputCanvas
- for i = 1, #shaders do
- local inputCanvas = i % 2 == 1 and canvas or _tmp.canvas
- outputCanvas = i % 2 == 0 and canvas or _tmp.canvas
- love.graphics.setCanvas(outputCanvas)
- love.graphics.clear()
- love.graphics.setShader(shaders[i])
- love.graphics.draw(inputCanvas)
- love.graphics.setCanvas(inputCanvas)
- end
- love.graphics.pop()
- love.graphics.setCanvas(_canvas)
- love.graphics.draw(outputCanvas)
- end
- love.graphics.setShader(_shader)
- end
- function push:finish(shader)
- love.graphics.setBackgroundColor(unpack(self._borderColor))
- if self._canvas then
- local _render = self:getCanvasTable("_render")
- love.graphics.pop()
- local white = love11 and 1 or 255
- love.graphics.setColor(white, white, white)
- --draw canvas
- love.graphics.setCanvas(_render.canvas)
- for i = 1, #self.canvases do --do not draw _render yet
- local _table = self.canvases[i]
- if not _table.private then
- local _canvas = _table.canvas
- local _shader = _table.shader
- self:applyShaders(_canvas, type(_shader) == "table" and _shader or { _shader })
- end
- end
- love.graphics.setCanvas()
- --draw render
- love.graphics.translate(self._OFFSET.x, self._OFFSET.y)
- local shader = shader or _render.shader
- love.graphics.push()
- love.graphics.scale(self._SCALE.x, self._SCALE.y)
- self:applyShaders(_render.canvas, type(shader) == "table" and shader or { shader })
- love.graphics.pop()
- --clear canvas
- for i = 1, #self.canvases do
- love.graphics.setCanvas(self.canvases[i].canvas)
- love.graphics.clear()
- end
- love.graphics.setCanvas()
- love.graphics.setShader()
- else
- love.graphics.pop()
- love.graphics.setScissor()
- end
- end
- function push:setBorderColor(color, g, b)
- self._borderColor = g and {color, g, b} or color
- end
- function push:toGame(x, y)
- x, y = x - self._OFFSET.x, y - self._OFFSET.y
- local normalX, normalY = x / self._GWIDTH, y / self._GHEIGHT
- x = (x >= 0 and x <= self._WWIDTH * self._SCALE.x) and normalX * self._WWIDTH or nil
- y = (y >= 0 and y <= self._WHEIGHT * self._SCALE.y) and normalY * self._WHEIGHT or nil
- return x, y
- end
- --doesn't work - TODO
- function push:toReal(x, y)
- return x + self._OFFSET.x, y + self._OFFSET.y
- end
- function push:switchFullscreen(winw, winh)
- self._fullscreen = not self._fullscreen
- local windowWidth, windowHeight = love.window.getDesktopDimensions()
- if self._fullscreen then --save windowed dimensions for later
- self._WINWIDTH, self._WINHEIGHT = self._RWIDTH, self._RHEIGHT
- elseif not self._WINWIDTH or not self._WINHEIGHT then
- self._WINWIDTH, self._WINHEIGHT = windowWidth * .5, windowHeight * .5
- end
- self._RWIDTH = self._fullscreen and windowWidth or winw or self._WINWIDTH
- self._RHEIGHT = self._fullscreen and windowHeight or winh or self._WINHEIGHT
- self:initValues()
- love.window.setFullscreen(self._fullscreen, "desktop")
- if not self._fullscreen and (winw or winh) then
- windowUpdateMode(self._RWIDTH, self._RHEIGHT) --set window dimensions
- end
- end
- function push:resize(w, h)
- if self._highdpi then w, h = w / self._PSCALE, h / self._PSCALE end
- self._RWIDTH = w
- self._RHEIGHT = h
- self:initValues()
- end
- function push:getWidth() return self._WWIDTH end
- function push:getHeight() return self._WHEIGHT end
- function push:getDimensions() return self._WWIDTH, self._WHEIGHT end
- return push