io.stdout:setvbuf('no') Class = require 'class' require 'paddle' require 'simpleScale' require 'TSerial' require 'eball' require 'fullScreener' require 'superPowerControl' require 'mainMenu' require 'music' require 'animator' local serialize = require 'ser' local shader_code = [[ vec4 effect(vec4 color, Image image, vec2 uvs, vec2 screen_coords) { vec4 pixel = Texel(image,uvs); return pixel * color; } ]] timeIsSlow = false timeIsSlow2 = false debug.shake = false originalSpeed = 200 explosionRange = 0 blockinput = false wall1width = 30 nuclearanimation = 3 easternum = 0 ball_DIR = 0 RED = 255 hitNum = {} hitNum[1] = 0 hitNum[2] = 0 hitNum[3] = 0 hitNum[4] = 0 p1bonus = 0 p2bonus = 0 hitNum[5] = 0 hitNum[6] = 0 GREEN = 255 BLUE = 255 updateTEXT = 'Chalkboard Update' maxBalls = 1 playerCount = 1 WINDOW_WIDTH = 1280 WINDOW_HEIGHT = 720 player1reverbav = 0 playertext = '1v1' player2reverbav = 0 elapsed = 0 rotation = 0 TEXT = 'Nuclear Pong' VIRTUAL_WIDTH = 1280 VIRTUAL_HEIGHT = 720 currentKey = " " ptw = 10 danger = 'none' danger2 = 'none' nuckemodactive = 0 maxspeed = 700 DIFFERENCE_X = 1 DIFFERENCE_Y = 1 paddle_SPEED = 20 textamount = 15 AI_STRIKEMOD = 1000 resolutionWin = 0 AGAINST_AI = 0 RESOLUTION_SET = 0 AI_NUKEMOD = 1000 animstart = true AI_SPEED = 30 craz = 0 AI_LEVEL = 500 isFullscreen = 0 prtext = 'Easy' MAP_TYPE = 2 difficultyl = 300 req = 'pp' ballSet = 200 p1control = {up = 'a', down = 'z', super = 's', counter = 'x'} p2control = {up = ';', down = '.', super = 'l', counter = ','} synctext = "Independent" synctype = 0 function newButton(text, fn) return { text = text, fn = fn, now = false, last = false } end function love.keyboard.mouseWasReleased() return love.keyboard.mouseisReleased end function autoSave(dt) autoTimer = autoTimer + dt end function balancer() if (player2score == 9 or player1score == 9) then shakeDuration = 10 -- love.window.setTitle("ALMOST WIN") end if (player1score < player2score) then p1bonus = (player2score - player1score) * 5 else p1bonus = 0 end if (player2score < player1score) then p2bonus = (player1score - player2score) * 5 else p2bonus = 0 end end function newWall(wallx, wally, wallwidth, wallheight) return { wallx = wallx, wally = wally, walwidth = wallwidth, wallheight = wallheight } end speedParameters = {} buttons = {} difbuttons = {} settings = {} walls = {} editorpicks = {} controlSettings = {} modeSelectorButtons= {} pracdiff = {} playerCountButtons = {} function controlChanger() if (gameState == 'assign') then,50/255,50/255,255)'SELECT BUTTON',0,VIRTUAL_HEIGHT / 2,VIRTUAL_WIDTH,'center') end end function love.load() simpleScale.setWindow(VIRTUAL_WIDTH, VIRTUAL_HEIGHT, WINDOW_WIDTH, WINDOW_HEIGHT) configfile ='config.lua', "r") configsave ='config.lua', "w") shader = time_1 = 0 print("Debug active") --load testwalls = love.filesystem.load('save.lua')() if testwalls ~= nil then walls = love.filesystem.load('save.lua')() end light = 0 image ="Madi.png") table.insert(editorpicks, newButton("C", function() for k in pairs (walls) do walls[k] = nil end end)) table.insert(editorpicks, newButton("S", function() love.filesystem.write('save.lua', serialize(walls)) end)) table.insert(editorpicks, newButton("L", function() walls = love.filesystem.load('save.lua')() end)) table.insert(buttons, newButton("Singleplayer", function() gameState = 'gameMode' end)) table.insert(buttons, newButton("Multiplayer", function() gameState = 'multiMode' end)) table.insert(buttons, newButton("Settings", function() AGAINST_AI = 0 gameState = 'windowsettings' end)) table.insert(buttons, newButton("Exit", function() love.event.quit(0) end)) table.insert(difbuttons, newButton("Easy", function() hardmanager('easy') end)) table.insert(difbuttons, newButton("Normal", function() hardmanager('normal') end)) table.insert(difbuttons, newButton("Hard", function() hardmanager('hard') end)) table.insert(settings, newButton("Change Map", function() MAP_TYPE = MAP_TYPE + 1 end)) table.insert(settings, newButton("Toggle Fullscreen", function() myscreen:toggle(VIRTUAL_HEIGHT, VIRTUAL_WIDTH) DIFFERENCE_X = myscreen.c DIFFERENCE_Y = myscreen.d end)) table.insert(settings, newButton("Editor", function() gameState = 'editor' end)) table.insert(settings, newButton("Speed Settings", function() gameState = 'speedSettings' end)) table.insert(settings, newButton("Control Settings", function() gameState = 'controlSettings' end)) table.insert(settings, newButton("Back to Menu", function() gameState = 'menu' end)) table.insert(speedParameters, newButton("Back to Menu", function() gameState = 'windowsettings' end)) --table.insert(speedParameters, newButton("Ball Speed: ", function() speedSetter('ball') end)) table.insert(playerCountButtons, newButton("Ball Speed: ", function() speedSetter('ball') end)) --table.insert(speedParameters, newButton("snc", function() speedSetter('snc') end)) table.insert(playerCountButtons, newButton("snc", function() speedSetter('snc') end)) table.insert(speedParameters, newButton("NUCLEAR MODE", function() speedSetter('nuclearmod') end)) table.insert(controlSettings, newButton("1up", function() gameState = 'assign' req = 'p1up' end)) table.insert(controlSettings, newButton("1down", function() gameState = 'assign' req = 'p1down' end)) table.insert(controlSettings, newButton("1special",function() gameState = 'assign' req = 'p1super' end)) table.insert(controlSettings, newButton("1ct", function() gameState = 'assign' req = 'p1ct' end)) table.insert(controlSettings, newButton("2up", function() gameState = 'assign' req = 'p2up' end)) table.insert(controlSettings, newButton("2down", function() gameState = 'assign' req = 'p2down' end)) table.insert(controlSettings, newButton("2special", function() gameState = 'assign' req = 'p2super' end)) table.insert(controlSettings, newButton("2ct", function() gameState = 'assign' req = 'p2ct' end)) table.insert(controlSettings, newButton("Default", function() p1control = {up = 'a', down = 'z', super = 's', counter = 'x'} p2control = {up = ';', down = '.', super = 'l', counter = ','} end)) table.insert(controlSettings, newButton("Return", function() gameState = 'windowsettings' end)) table.insert(modeSelectorButtons, newButton("Nuclear Pong", function() gameState = 'difficulty' end)) table.insert(modeSelectorButtons, newButton("Nuclear Practice", function() gameState = 'prdiff' end)) table.insert(modeSelectorButtons, newButton("Main Menu", function() gameState = 'menu' end)) table.insert(pracdiff, newButton("Silverblade", function() speedSetter('practice') end)) table.insert(pracdiff, newButton("Return", function() speedSetter('reset') gameState = 'gameMode' end)) table.insert(pracdiff, newButton("Go!", function() gameMode = 'practice' hardmanager('practice') end)) --table.insert(playerCountButtons, newButton("1v1", function() speedSetter('pc') end)) table.insert(playerCountButtons, newButton("ballCount", function() speedSetter('ballz') end)) table.insert(playerCountButtons, newButton("Return", function() speedSetter('reset') gameState = 'menu' end)) table.insert(playerCountButtons, newButton("ptw", function() speedSetter('ptw') end)) table.insert(playerCountButtons, newButton("Play", function() AGAINST_AI = 0 gameState = '1serve' end)) --table.insert(speedParameters, newButton("Ball Speed: ", function() speedSetter() end)) love.window.setTitle('NUCLEAR PONG') textphrases = { "Amazing", "Superb", "Absolutely beautiful!", "Awesome", "Look at That!", "Great", "Nice", "Boom!", "Dangerous!", "Astonishing!", "u/ebernerd saved me", "Absolutely Wonderful!", "Exsquisite", "Delicate", "Pow!", "Great Hit", "all hail nazarbayev" } sounds = { ['updateMusic'] ="audio/theme1.mp3", "static"), ['gayTheme'] ="audio/theme2.mp3", "static"), ['gayTheme2'] ="audio/theme3.mp3", "static"), ['gayTheme3'] ="audio/theme4.mp3", "static"), ['beep'] ="audio/hit1.mp3", "static"), ['wallhit'] ="audio/hit2.wav", "static"), ['win'] ="win.wav", "static"), ['score'] ="audio/score.wav", "static"), ['nuke'] ="audio/bomb.wav", "static"), ['striking'] ="audio/superhit.wav", "static"), ['nuclearhit'] ="audio/hit1.mp3", "static"), ['time'] ="audio/time.wav", "static") }'nearest', 'nearest') --comic sans lmao math.randomseed(os.time()) smallfont ='font.ttf', 30) scorefont ='font.ttf', 90) --push:setupScreen(VIRTUAL_WIDTH, VIRTUAL_HEIGHT, WINDOW_WIDTH, WINDOW_HEIGHT, { -- fullscreen = isFullscreen, -- resizable = true, -- vsync = true, --}) player1score = 0 player2score = 0 areanuclear = 0 player1nukescore = 0 player2nukescore = 0 striken = 0 soundtype = 1 soundturn = 1 potentialstrike1 = 0 potentialstrike2 = 0 potentialnuke1 = 0 potentialnuke2 = 0 player1striken = 0 player2striken = 0 randomtext = 0 selecting = 0 number = 0 elec = 1 INDIC = { '', '', '', '' } --playe1nuke player1 = paddle(0,30,10,100, 1) player2 = paddle(VIRTUAL_WIDTH * 0.99, VIRTUAL_HEIGHT * 0.88, 10, 100, 2) player3 = paddle(5000, 5000, 10, 100) player4 = paddle(5000, 5000, 10, 100) ball = {} ball[1] = eball(VIRTUAL_WIDTH / 2 , VIRTUAL_HEIGHT / 2 - 2, 16, 16) ball[2] = eball(VIRTUAL_WIDTH / 1.9 , VIRTUAL_HEIGHT / 2 - 2, 16, 16) ball[3] = eball(VIRTUAL_WIDTH / 1.8, VIRTUAL_HEIGHT / 2 - 2, 16, 16) ball[4] = eball(VIRTUAL_WIDTH / 2.2, VIRTUAL_HEIGHT / 2 - 2, 16, 16) ball[5] = eball(VIRTUAL_WIDTH / 2.1, VIRTUAL_HEIGHT / 2 - 2, 16, 16) myscreen = fullScreener(RESOLUTION_SET, isFullscreen, DIFFERENCE_X, DIFFERENCE_Y) mymenu = mainMenu() ballSpeed = 200 ballDX = math.random(2) == 1 and 100 or -100 ballDY = math.random(-50, 50) gameState = 'animation' end t = 0 shakeDuration = 0 shakeMagnitude = 1 function startShake(duration, magnitude) t, shakeDuration, shakeMagnitude = 0, duration or 1, magnitude or 5 end function displayFPS() love.window.setTitle(love.timer.getFPS()) end function speedControl() if (ballSpeed > maxspeed and gameState == 'play') then ballSpeed = maxspeed end end function love.update(dt) staticanimatorcounter(dt) displayFPS() if areanuclear == 1 then if nuclearanimation > 0 then gameState = 'nuclearExplosion' nuclearanimation = nuclearanimation - dt explosionRange = explosionRange + dt*24 elseif (gameState ~= 'play') then gameState = 'play' explosionRange = 0 end end if player1nukescore > 300 then player1nukescore = 300 end if player2nukescore > 300 then player2nukescore = 300 end speedControl() balancer() dangerChecker() musicController('norm', 1) palleteController() if (gameState == 'animation') then animator(dt) end if t < shakeDuration then t = t + dt end elapsed = elapsed + dt rotation = math.sin(elapsed * 2.5) * 0.7 -- if (gameState == 'quickanim') then -- time_1 = time_1 + dt -- light = 255 - time_1 * 150 -- if (light < 0) then -- time_1 = 0 -- light = 0 -- gameState = 'play' --end -- end for i=1, maxBalls do if (AGAINST_AI == 1 or gameState == 'start') then for i = 1, maxBalls do if (ball[i].y - player2.y >= 50 and player2.x - ball[i].x < AI_LEVEL) then player2.dy = AI_SPEED elseif (player2.y - ball[i].y >= -20 and player2.x - ball[i].x < AI_LEVEL) then player2.dy = -AI_SPEED else player2.dy = 0 end if difficultyl == 350 and player2reverbav == true and VIRTUAL_WIDTH - ball[i].x < 90 and math.abs(ball[i].y - player2.y) > 150 then sounds["time"]:play() player2reverbav = false timeIsSlow2 = true originalPaddle = paddle_SPEED originalSpeed = ballSpeed player2reverbav = 0 potentialnuke2 = 0 potentialstrike2 = 0 end if (player2nukescore > AI_STRIKEMOD and striken == 0) then player2striken = 1 elseif (player2nukescore > AI_NUKEMOD and striken == 1) then if (areanuclear == 1) then maxspeed = maxspeed + 50 end sounds['nuke']:play() potentialstrike2 = 0 areanuclear = 1 ballSpeed = ballSpeed * 2 if (synctype == 0) then paddle_SPEED = paddle_SPEED * 2 end if (synctype == 1) then paddle_SPEED = ballSpeed/10 end if (synctype == 0) then AI_SPEED = AI_SPEED * 2.2 end if (synctype == 1) then AI_SPEED = ballSpeed * 1.1 /10 end player2nukescore = 0 player2reverbav = 0 potentialnuke2 = 0 end end end if (ball[i].x < 0 - ballSpeed*0.5) then if (gameMode ~= 'practice') then sounds['score']:play() end if (nuckemodactive == 0) then areanuclear = 0 nuclearanimation = 3 end striken = 0 player1striken = 0 player2striken = 0 ballSpeed = ballSet if (synctype == 0) then paddle_SPEED = ballSet/10 end if (synctype == 1) then paddle_SPEED = ballSpeed/10 end AI_SPEED = difficultyl/10 player2score = player2score + 1 if (player2score ==ptw and gameMode ~= 'practice') then for i = 1, maxBalls do ball[i]:reset(i) end sounds['win']:play() gameState = 'done' TEXT = 'Player 2 Won!' else gameState = '1serve' serveBot() for i = 1, maxBalls do ball[i]:reset(i) end end end if (ball[i].x > VIRTUAL_WIDTH + ballSpeed*0.5) then sounds['score']:play() if (nuckemodactive == 0) then areanuclear = 0 nuclearanimation = 3 end striken = 0 player1striken = 0 player2striken = 0 ballSpeed = ballSet if (synctype == 0) then paddle_SPEED = ballSet/10 AI_SPEED = ballSet/10 end if (synctype == 1) then paddle_SPEED = ballSpeed/10 AI_SPEED = ballSpeed/10 end AI_SPEED = difficultyl/10 player1score = player1score + 1 if (player1score == ptw) then ball[i]:reset(i) sounds['win']:play() gameState = 'done' TEXT = 'Player 1 Won!' else gameState = '2serve' serveBot() ball[i]:reset(i) end end end if (player1nukescore >= 20 and player1nukescore < 140) then potentialstrike1 = 1 if (love.keyboard.isDown(p1control.super)) then player1striken = 1 player1reverbav = 0 --player1nukescore = 0 end end if (player1nukescore >= 140) and timeIsSlow2 == false and timeIsSlow == false and maxBalls == 1 and ball[1].x < VIRTUAL_WIDTH/2 then player1reverbav = 1 if love.keyboard.isDown(p1control.counter) then powerControl(1, 'special') end end if (player1nukescore >= 200) then --sounds['nukeready']:play() potentialnuke1 = 1 if (love.keyboard.isDown(p1control.super)) then sounds['nuke']:play() if areanuclear == 1 then maxspeed = maxspeed + 50 end areanuclear = 1 potentialstrike1 = 0 striken = 0 ballSpeed = ballSpeed * 2 if (synctype == 0) then paddle_SPEED = paddle_SPEED * 2 end if (synctype == 1) then paddle_SPEED = ballSpeed/10 end if (synctype == 0) then AI_SPEED = AI_SPEED * 2.2 end if (synctype == 1) then AI_SPEED = ballSpeed * 1.1 /10 end player1nukescore = 0 player1reverbav = 0 potentialnuke1 = 0 end end if (player2nukescore >= 20 and player2nukescore <= 140) then potentialstrike2 = 1 if (AGAINST_AI == 0) then if (love.keyboard.isDown(p2control.super)) then player2striken = 1 player2reverbav = 0 end end end if (player2nukescore >= 140) and timeIsSlow == false and timeIsSlow2 == false and maxBalls == 1 and ball[1].x > VIRTUAL_WIDTH/2 then player2reverbav = 1 if love.keyboard.isDown(p2control.counter) then sounds["time"]:play() player2reverbav = false timeIsSlow2 = true originalPaddle = paddle_SPEED originalSpeed = ballSpeed player2reverbav = 0 potentialnuke2 = 0 potentialstrike2 = 0 end end if (player2nukescore >= 200) then -- sounds['nukeready']:play() potentialnuke2 = 1 if (love.keyboard.isDown(p2control.super) and AGAINST_AI == 0) then sounds['nuke']:play() if areanuclear == 1 then maxspeed = maxspeed + 50 end potentialstrike2 = 0 areanuclear = 1 player2reverbav = 0 --player2nukescore = 0 ballSpeed = ballSpeed * 2 if (synctype == 0) then paddle_SPEED = paddle_SPEED * 2 end if (synctype == 1) then paddle_SPEED = ballSpeed/10 end if (synctype == 0) then AI_SPEED = AI_SPEED * 2.2 end if (synctype == 1) then AI_SPEED = ballSpeed * 1.1 / 10 end player2nukescore = 0 potentialnuke2 = 0 end end if (love.keyboard.isDown(p1control.up)) then player1.dy = (paddle_SPEED + p1bonus) * -1 elseif (love.keyboard.isDown(p1control.down)) then player1.dy = paddle_SPEED + p1bonus else player1.dy = 0 end if (AGAINST_AI == 0) then if (love.keyboard.isDown(p2control.up)) then player2.dy = (paddle_SPEED + p2bonus) * -1 elseif (love.keyboard.isDown(p2control.down)) then player2.dy = paddle_SPEED + p2bonus else player2.dy = 0 end end if gameState == 'play' then --love.window.setTitle('VOID') for i = 1, maxBalls do if ball[i]:collides(player1) then print(debug.shake) if ((areanuclear == 0 and ((player1striken or player2striken) and (player1score > 9 or player2score > 9))) or debug.shake) then print("Calling animation") superanimator('tensehit', 1) end --gameState = 'quickanim' if gameMode == 'practice' then player1score = player1score + 1 end t = 0 if (ballSpeed > 200) then shakeMagnitude = ballSpeed/200 else shakeMagnitude = 0 end shakeDuration = 1 randomtext = love.math.random(1, #textphrases) TEXT = textphrases[randomtext] soundtype = love.math.random(1, 1.2) if (player1striken == 1) then TEXT = 'PLAYER 1 STRIKES' ballSpeed = ballSpeed + player1nukescore potentialnuke1 = 0 player1striken = 0 player1nukescore = 0 potentialstrike1 = 0 striken = 1 if areanuclear == 0 then sounds['striking']:setPitch(ballSpeed/250) sounds['striking']:play() else sounds['nuclearhit']:setPitch(1) sounds['nuclearhit']:play() end else if areanuclear == 0 then sounds['beep']:setPitch(ballSpeed/250) sounds['beep']:play() else sounds['nuclearhit']:setPitch(1) sounds['nuclearhit']:play() end end if (striken == 1) then player1nukescore = player1nukescore * 1.2 if (synctype == 0) then paddle_SPEED = paddle_SPEED * 1.10 elseif (synctype == 1) then paddle_SPEED = ballSpeed / 10 end if (synctype == 0) then AI_SPEED = AI_SPEED * 1.10 end if (synctype == 1) then AI_SPEED = ballSpeed * 1.1/10 end ballSpeed = ballSpeed * 1.10 end player1nukescore = player1nukescore + 10 ball[i].dx = -ball[i].dx ball[i].x = player1.x + 30 if (love.keyboard.isDown(p1control.up)) then select = math.random(1,5) if select == 1 then ball[i].dy = -1 elseif select == 2 then ball[i].dy = -1.2 elseif select == 3 then ball[i].dy = -1.5 elseif select == 4 then ball[i].dy = -1.8 elseif select == 5 then ball[i].dy = -2 end elseif love.keyboard.isDown(p1control.down) then select = math.random(1,5) if select == 1 then ball[i].dy = 1 elseif select == 2 then ball[i].dy = 1.2 elseif select == 3 then ball[i].dy = 1.5 elseif select == 4 then ball[i].dy = 1.8 elseif select == 5 then ball[i].dy = 2 end else if ball[i].dy < 0 then select = math.random(1,5) if select == 1 then ball[i].dy = -1 elseif select == 2 then ball[i].dy = -1.2 elseif select == 3 then ball[i].dy = -1.5 elseif select == 4 then ball[i].dy = -1.8 elseif select == 5 then ball[i].dy = -2 end else select = math.random(1,5) if select == 1 then ball[i].dy = 1 elseif select == 2 then ball[i].dy = 1.2 elseif select == 3 then ball[i].dy = 1.5 elseif select == 4 then ball[i].dy = 1.8 elseif select == 5 then ball[i].dy = 2 end end end end if ball[i]:collides(player2) then --ameState = 'quickanim' t = 0 shakeDuration = 1 if ((areanuclear == 0 and ((player1striken or player2striken) and (player1score > 9 or player2score > 9))) or debug.shake) then superanimator('tensehit', 2) end if (ballSpeed > 200) then shakeMagnitude = ballSpeed/200 else shakeMagnitude = 0 end randomtext = love.math.random(1, #textphrases) TEXT = textphrases[randomtext] soundtype = love.math.random(1, 1.2) if (player2striken == 1) then TEXT = 'PLAYER 2 STRIKES' ballSpeed = ballSpeed + player2nukescore striken=1 player2striken = 0 potentialnuke2 = 0 player2nukescore = 0 potentialstrike2 = 0 if areanuclear == 0 then sounds['striking']:setPitch(ballSpeed/250) sounds['striking']:play() else sounds['nuclearhit']:setPitch(1) sounds['nuclearhit']:play() end elseif (striken == 1) then player2nukescore = player2nukescore * 1.5 if (synctype == 0) then paddle_SPEED = paddle_SPEED * 1.10 end if (synctype == 1) then paddle_SPEED = ballSpeed/10 end if (synctype == 0) then AI_SPEED = AI_SPEED * 1.10 end if (synctype == 1) then AI_SPEED = ballSpeed * 1.1 / 10 end ballSpeed = ballSpeed * 1.10 if areanuclear == 0 then sounds['beep']:setPitch(ballSpeed/250) sounds['beep']:play() else sounds['nuclearhit']:setPitch(1) sounds['nuclearhit']:play() end else if areanuclear == 0 then sounds['beep']:setPitch(ballSpeed/250) sounds['beep']:play() else sounds['nuclearhit']:setPitch(1) sounds['nuclearhit']:play() end end player2nukescore = player2nukescore + 10 ball[i].dx = -ball[i].dx ball[i].x = player2.x - 30 if (love.keyboard.isDown(p2control.up) or AI_SPEED < 0) then select = math.random(1,5) if select == 1 then ball[i].dy = -1 elseif select == 2 then ball[i].dy = -1.2 elseif select == 3 then ball[i].dy = -1.5 elseif select == 4 then ball[i].dy = -1.8 elseif select == 5 then ball[i].dy = -2 end elseif love.keyboard.isDown(p2control.down) or AI_SPEED > 0 then select = math.random(1,5) if select == 1 then ball[i].dy = 1 elseif select == 2 then ball[i].dy = 1.2 elseif select == 3 then ball[i].dy = 1.5 elseif select == 4 then ball[i].dy = 1.8 elseif select == 5 then ball[i].dy = 2 end else if ball[i].dy < 0 then select = math.random(1,5) if select == 1 then ball[i].dy = -1 elseif select == 2 then ball[i].dy = -1.2 elseif select == 3 then ball[i].dy = -1.5 elseif select == 4 then ball[i].dy = -1.8 elseif select == 5 then ball[i].dy = -2 end else select = math.random(1,5) if select == 1 then ball[i].dy = 1 elseif select == 2 then ball[i].dy = 1.2 elseif select == 3 then ball[i].dy = 1.5 elseif select == 4 then ball[i].dy = 1.8 elseif select == 5 then ball[i].dy = 2 end end end end if ball[i].y <= 0 then soundtype = love.math.random(1, 5) sounds['wallhit']:setPitch(ballSpeed/250) sounds['wallhit']:play() ball[i].y = 0 ball[i].dy = -ball[i].dy end -- -4 to account for the ball's size if ball[i].y >= VIRTUAL_HEIGHT - 40 then soundtype = love.math.random(1, 5) sounds['wallhit']:setPitch(ballSpeed/250) sounds['wallhit']:play() ball[i].y = VIRTUAL_HEIGHT - 40 ball[i].dy = -ball[i].dy end --love.window.setTitle('Trying to update the ball') if timeIsSlow then if ballSpeed > originalSpeed/3 then paddle_SPEED = 30 ballSpeed = ballSpeed / (1+(dt*2)) end player1nukescore = player1nukescore - (dt*50) if player1nukescore < 1 or ball[1].dx > 0 then timeIsSlow = false player1reverbav = false ballSpeed = originalSpeed sounds["time"]:stop() paddle_SPEED = originalPaddle end end if timeIsSlow2 then if ballSpeed > originalSpeed/3 then ballSpeed = ballSpeed / (1+(dt*2)) end player2nukescore = player2nukescore - (dt*50) if player2nukescore < 1 or ball[1].dx < 0 then paddle_SPEED = 30 timeIsSlow2 = false player2reverbav = false ballSpeed = originalSpeed sounds["time"]:stop() paddle_SPEED = originalPaddle end end ball[i]:update(dt) end end player1:update(dt) player2:update(dt) player3:update(dt) player4:update(dt) end function wallbreaker(x,y) if (gameState == 'editor') then for i, wall in ipairs(walls) do if math.abs(wall.wallx - x) < 10 and math.abs(wall.wally - y) < 10 then table.remove(walls, i) end end end end function editor() if (gameState == 'editor') then local mx, my = love.mouse.getPosition() mx = mx * DIFFERENCE_X my = my * DIFFERENCE_Y if not blockinput then,0,0,1)'fill',mx, my, 10, wall1width),1,1,1) end if (love.mouse.isDown(2)) then wallbreaker(mx, my) end if (love.mouse.isDown(3)) then table.insert(walls, newWall(mx,my, 10, wall1width)) end for i, wall in ipairs(walls) do,1,1,1)"fill", wall.wallx, wall.wally, 10, wall.wallheight) end end end function hardmanager(diff) selecting = 1 if (diff == 'easy') then INDIC[1] = '>' AGAINST_AI = 1 AI_SPEED = ballSet/10 AI_STRIKEMOD = 100 AI_NUKEMOD = 1000 difficultyl = 200 selecting = 0 gameState = '1serve' end if (diff == 'normal') then INDIC[2] = '>' AI_SPEED = ballSet/10 AI_LEVEL = 500 AI_NUKEMOD = 250 AI_STRIKEMOD = 60 AGAINST_AI = 1 difficultyl = 300 selecting = 0 gameState = '1serve' end if (diff == 'hard') then INDIC[3] = '>' AI_SPEED = ballSpeed * 1.1 + 50 AI_SPEED = AI_SPEED / 10 AI_LEVEL = 700 AI_NUKEMOD = 200 AI_STRIKEMOD = 20 selecting = 0 difficultyl = 350 AGAINST_AI = 1 gameState = '1serve' end if (diff == 'practice') then INDIC[3] = '>' AI_SPEED = ballSpeed * 500 + 50 AI_SPEED = AI_SPEED / 10 AI_LEVEL = 700 AI_NUKEMOD = 9000000000 AI_STRIKEMOD = 90000000 selecting = 0 difficultyl = 350 AGAINST_AI = 1 gameState = '1serve' end end function dangerChecker() if (p1control.up == p1control.down) then danger = '1up' danger2 = '1down' elseif (p1control.up == p1control.super) then danger = '1up' danger2 = '1special' elseif (p1control.up == p1control.counter) then danger = '1up' danger2 = '1ct' elseif (p1control.down == p1control.super) then danger = '1down' danger2 = '1special' elseif (p1control.down == p1control.counter) then danger = '1ct' danger2 = '1down' elseif (p1control.super == p1control.counter) then danger = '1special' danger2 = '1ct' elseif (p2control.down == p2control.up) then danger = '2down' danger2 = '2up' elseif (p2control.down == p2control.super) then danger = '2down' danger2 = '2special' elseif (p2control.down == p2control.counter) then danger = '2down' danger2 = '2ct' elseif (p2control.up == p2control.super) then danger = '2up' danger2 = '2special' elseif (p2control.up == p2control.counter) then danger = '2ct' danger2 = '2up' elseif (p2control.super == p2control.counter) then danger = '2special' danger2 = '2ct' else danger = "none" danger2 = "none" end end function love.keypressed(key) if gameState == 'assign' then if (req == 'p1up') then p1control.up = key currentKey = key --love.window.setTitle(key) gameState = 'controlSettings' end if (req == 'p2up') then p2control.up = key currentKey = key --love.window.setTitle(key) gameState = 'controlSettings' end if (req == 'p1down') then p1control.down = key currentKey = key --love.window.setTitle(key) gameState = 'controlSettings' end if (req == 'p2down') then p2control.down = key currentKey = key -- love.window.setTitle(key) gameState = 'controlSettings' end if (req == 'p1super') then p1control.super = key currentKey = key -- love.window.setTitle(key) gameState = 'controlSettings' end if (req == 'p2super') then p2control.super = key currentKey = key -- love.window.setTitle(key) gameState = 'controlSettings' end if (req == 'p1ct') then p1control.counter = key currentKey = key -- love.window.setTitle(key) gameState = 'controlSettings' end if (req == 'p2ct') then p2control.counter = key currentKey = key --love.window.setTitle(key) gameState = 'controlSettings' end end if key == 'escape' then TEXT = 'Escape Key' love.event.quit() elseif key == 'enter' or key == 'return' then if gameState == 'start' then resettinggenius() gameState = 'menu' hardmanager() elseif (gameState == 'done') then if (player1score > player2score) then gameState = '2serve' potentialnuke1 = 0 potentialnuke2 = 0 striken = 0 if (nuckemodactive == 0) then areanuclear = 0 nuclearanimation = 3 end potentialstrike1 = 0 potentialstrike2 = 0 player1nukescore = 0 player2nukescore = 0 else gameState = '1serve' resettinggenius() for i = 1, maxBalls do ball[i]:reset(i) end end else gameState = 'menu' if (love.math.random(0, 10) == 1) then TEXT = "Nuclear Ching Chong" else TEXT = 'Nuclear Pong' end resettinggenius() for i = 1, maxBalls do ball[i]:reset(i) end end end end function love.keyreleased(key) currentKey = " " end function speedSetter(requesttype) if (requesttype == 'ball') then if (ballSet > 550) then ballSet = 0 paddle_SPEED = 0 else ballSet = ballSet + 50 paddle_SPEED = paddle_SPEED + 5 end ballSpeed = ballSet end if (requesttype == 'snc') then synctype = synctype + 1 if (synctype > 1) then synctype = 0 end if synctype == 0 then synctext = 'Independent' end if synctype == 1 then synctext = 'Synchronised' end end if (requesttype == 'nuclearmod') then nuckemodactive = nuckemodactive + 1 if (nuckemodactive > 1) then nuckemodactive = 0 end if (nuckemodactive == 0) then areanuclear = 0 nuclearanimation = 3 ballSet = 200 TEXT = "Nuclear Pong" synctype = 0 maxspeed = 700 synctext = 'Independent' paddle_SPEED = ballSet/10 AI_SPEED = ballSet/10 end if (nuckemodactive == 1) then areanuclear = 1 ballSet = 2000 maxspeed = 2000 paddle_SPEED = ballSet/10 AI_SPEED = ballSet/10 synctext = "death is imminent" end ballSpeed = ballSet end if (requesttype == 'practice') then if (ballSpeed > 999) then ballSpeed = 200 ballSet = 200 end if (ballSpeed > 799) then prtext = 'Insane' maxBalls = 5 elseif ballSpeed > 599 then prtext = 'Hard' maxBalls = 4 elseif ballSpeed > 399 then prtext = 'Normal' maxBalls = 3 elseif ballSpeed > 199 then prtext = 'Easy' maxBalls = 3 end ballSpeed = ballSpeed + 200 ballSet = ballSet + 200 end if (requesttype == 'reset') then ballSpeed = 200 ballSet = 200 synctype = 0 prtext = 'Easy' maxBalls = 1 end if (requesttype == 'pc') then if (playerCount == 2) then playerCount = 1 playertext = '1v1' elseif (playerCount == 1) then playerCount = playerCount + 1 player3.x = player1.x + VIRTUAL_WIDTH / 2 player3.y = player3.y playertext = '2v2' end end if (requesttype == 'ballz') then if (maxBalls > 1) then maxBalls = 1 --love.window.setTitle("more than 4") else maxBalls = maxBalls + 1 end end if requesttype == 'ptw' then if ptw == 10 then ptw = 1 else ptw = ptw + 1 end end end function gameModeChanger() if (gameState == 'gameMode') then local button_width = VIRTUAL_WIDTH * (1/3) local BUTTON_HEIGHT = 50 local margin = 20 local hot = false local cursor_y = 0 local total_height = (BUTTON_HEIGHT + margin) * #buttons for i, button in ipairs(modeSelectorButtons) do button.last = local bx = (VIRTUAL_WIDTH*0.5) - (button_width * 0.5) local by = (VIRTUAL_HEIGHT * 0.5) - (total_height * 0.5) + cursor_y local color = {255, 255, 255, 255} local mx, my = love.mouse.getPosition() mx = mx * DIFFERENCE_X my = my * DIFFERENCE_Y hot = (mx > bx and mx < bx + button_width and my > by and my < by + BUTTON_HEIGHT) and i if (hot == i) then color = {10, 10, 0, 255} end = love.mouse.isDown(1) if and not button.last and hot == i then,0,0,1)"fill", 0, 0, VIRTUAL_WIDTH, VIRTUAL_HEIGHT) sounds['wallhit']:play() button.fn() end"fill", bx, by, button_width, BUTTON_HEIGHT), 0, 0, 255) local textW = smallfont:getWidth(button.text) local textH = smallfont:getHeight(button.text), smallfont, VIRTUAL_WIDTH*0.5 - textW*0.5, by+textH*0.5), 255, 255, 255) cursor_y = cursor_y + (BUTTON_HEIGHT + margin) end end if (gameState == 'multiMode') then local button_width = VIRTUAL_WIDTH * (1/3) local BUTTON_HEIGHT = 50 local margin = 20 local hot = false local cursor_y = 0 local total_height = (BUTTON_HEIGHT + margin) * #buttons for i, button in ipairs(playerCountButtons) do button.last = local bx = (VIRTUAL_WIDTH*0.5) - (button_width * 0.5) local by = (VIRTUAL_HEIGHT * 0.3) - (total_height * 0.5) + cursor_y if (button.text == 'Play') then by = by + by/1.8 end local color = {255, 255, 255, 255} local mx, my = love.mouse.getPosition() mx = mx * DIFFERENCE_X my = my * DIFFERENCE_Y hot = (mx > bx and mx < bx + button_width and my > by and my < by + BUTTON_HEIGHT) and i if (hot == i) then if (button.text == 'Play') then color = {0/255, 255/255, 0/255, 255} else color = {10, 10, 0, 255} end end = love.mouse.isDown(1) if and not button.last and hot == i then,0,0,1)"fill", 0, 0, VIRTUAL_WIDTH, VIRTUAL_HEIGHT) sounds['wallhit']:play() if button.text == "Ball Speed: " and nuckemodactive == 1 then else button.fn() end end"fill", bx, by, button_width, BUTTON_HEIGHT), 0, 0, 255) local textW = smallfont:getWidth(button.text) local textH = smallfont:getHeight(button.text) if (button.text == '1v1') then, smallfont, VIRTUAL_WIDTH*0.5 - textW*0.5, by+textH*0.5) elseif button.text == 'snc' then if (nuckemodactive == 1) then,0,0,1), smallfont, VIRTUAL_WIDTH*0.5 - textW*0.5, by+textH*0.5),1,1,1), smallfont, VIRTUAL_WIDTH*0.5 - textW*0.5, by+textH*0.5),0,0,1) else --, smallfont, VIRTUAL_WIDTH*0.45 - textW*0.5, by+textH*0.5) end elseif (button.text == 'ballCount') then"Ball Count: " .. maxBalls, smallfont, VIRTUAL_WIDTH*0.5 - textW*0.5, by+textH*0.5) elseif (button.text == "Ball Speed: ") then if (nuckemodactive == 1) then,0,0,1)"shaitan machina", smallfont, VIRTUAL_WIDTH*0.5 - textW*0.5, by+textH*0.5),1,1,1)"shaitan machina", smallfont, VIRTUAL_WIDTH*0.5 - textW*0.5, by+textH*0.5),0,0,1) else .. ballSet, smallfont, VIRTUAL_WIDTH*0.5 - textW*0.5, by+textH*0.5) end elseif button.text == 'ptw' then"Points to Win: " .. ptw, smallfont,VIRTUAL_WIDTH*0.5 - textW * 1.5, by+textH*0.5) else, smallfont, VIRTUAL_WIDTH*0.5 - textW*0.5, by+textH*0.5) end, 255, 255, 255) cursor_y = cursor_y + (BUTTON_HEIGHT + margin) end end end function love.draw() simpleScale.set() -- resolutionChanger() 1.5, 1.5 ) -- (WINDOW_WIDTH*1.5 - WINDOW_WIDTH), WINDOW_HEIGHT*1.5 - WINDOW_HEIGHT ) -- push:apply('start') --resolutionButtons() if gameState == 'nuclearExplosion' then,1,1,1)"fill", ball[1].x, ball[1].y , explosionRange*100, 100) player1.RED, player1.GREEN, player1.BLUE, player2.RED, player2.GREEN, player2.BLUE = nuclearanimation/3,nuclearanimation/3,nuclearanimation/3,nuclearanimation/3,nuclearanimation/3,nuclearanimation/3 for i = 1, maxBalls do,nuclearanimation/3,nuclearanimation/3,1) ball[i]:render('controlled') end player1:render() player2:render() elseif gameState == 'animation' then callAnimator() --This calls a fucking 100 year old animator. I dont even remember what it does. This has nothing to do with the new one else mapChanger() if t < shakeDuration then --love.window.setTitle("lamo") local dx = love.math.random(-shakeMagnitude, shakeMagnitude) local dy = love.math.random(-shakeMagnitude, shakeMagnitude), dy) end if (gameState == 'menu') then updateTEXT = '0.7 Chalkboard Update' end serveBot() hardmanager() if (areanuclear == 1) then,1,1,1) else, 40/255, 40/255, 1) --BACKGROUND COLOR end staticanimator() if (gameMode == 'practice') then'fill', VIRTUAL_WIDTH, 0, 10, VIRTUAL_HEIGHT) end if (MAP_TYPE == 1) then, 0, 0.20, 1)'fill', VIRTUAL_WIDTH *0.5, 0, 10, VIRTUAL_HEIGHT * 0.3)'fill', VIRTUAL_WIDTH *0.5, VIRTUAL_HEIGHT * 0.7, 10, VIRTUAL_HEIGHT * 0.3), 1, 1, 1) end if gameState == 'play' or gameState == '1serve' or gameState == '2serve' then end,1,1,1),0,20,VIRTUAL_WIDTH,'center'),0,VIRTUAL_HEIGHT * 0.95,VIRTUAL_WIDTH,'left'), VIRTUAL_WIDTH / 2 - 500, VIRTUAL_HEIGHT / 12) if (gameMode ~= 'practice') then, VIRTUAL_WIDTH / 2 + 400, VIRTUAL_HEIGHT / 12) end if (potentialstrike1 == 1 and potentialnuke1 == 0 and player1reverbav == 0) then if (player1striken == 0) then .. '['..p1control.super..']'), VIRTUAL_WIDTH / 2 - 500, VIRTUAL_HEIGHT / 60) else'READY'), VIRTUAL_WIDTH / 2 - 500, VIRTUAL_HEIGHT / 60) end elseif (player1reverbav == 1 and potentialnuke1 == 0) then ..'[' ..p1control.super .. ']' .. " ["..p1control.counter..']'), VIRTUAL_WIDTH / 2 - 500, VIRTUAL_HEIGHT / 60) elseif (potentialnuke1 == 1) then, 0, 0, 255) .. '[' .. p1control.super .. ']' .. " ["..p1control.counter .. ']'), VIRTUAL_WIDTH / 2 - 500, VIRTUAL_HEIGHT / 60), 255, 255, 255) else, VIRTUAL_WIDTH / 2 - 500, VIRTUAL_HEIGHT / 60) end if (potentialstrike2 == 1 and player2reverbav == 0) then if (player2striken == 0 and gameMode ~= 'practice') then .. '['..p2control.super..']'), VIRTUAL_WIDTH / 2 + 430, VIRTUAL_HEIGHT / 60) elseif (gameMode ~= 'practice') then'READY'), VIRTUAL_WIDTH / 2 + 430, VIRTUAL_HEIGHT / 60) end elseif (potentialnuke2 == 1 and gameMode ~= 'practice') then, 0, 0, 255) .. '['..p2control.super..']'), VIRTUAL_WIDTH / 2 + 430, VIRTUAL_HEIGHT / 60), 255, 255, 255) elseif (player2reverbav == 1 and potentialnuke2 == 0) then .. '['..p2control.super .. "] [" .. p2control.counter..']'), VIRTUAL_WIDTH / 2 + 430, VIRTUAL_HEIGHT / 60) elseif (gameMode ~= 'practice') then, VIRTUAL_WIDTH / 2 + 430, VIRTUAL_HEIGHT / 60) end if (MAP_TYPE == 2) then for i, wall in ipairs(walls) do,1,1,1)"fill", wall.wallx, wall.wally, 10, wall.wallheight) end end if gameState ~= 'assign' then player1:render() player3:render() if gameMode ~= 'practice' then player2:render() player4:render() end for i = 1, maxBalls do if areanuclear == 1 then ball[i]:render('black') --love.window.setTitle('rendering black') else ball[i]:render(' ') --love.window.setTitle('rendering white') end end if gameState == 'windowsettings' then mymenu:butt(gameState, VIRTUAL_WIDTH, VIRTUAL_HEIGHT, settings, sounds, 'right') love.keyboard.mouseisReleased = false end if gameState == 'editor' then mymenu:butt(gameState, VIRTUAL_WIDTH, VIRTUAL_HEIGHT, editorpicks, sounds, 'right') love.keyboard.mouseisReleased = false end if gameState == 'speedSettings' then mymenu:butt(gameState, VIRTUAL_WIDTH, VIRTUAL_HEIGHT, speedParameters, sounds, 'middle') love.keyboard.mouseisReleased = false end if gameState == 'controlSettings' then mymenu:butt(gameState, VIRTUAL_WIDTH, VIRTUAL_HEIGHT, controlSettings, sounds, 'control') love.keyboard.mouseisReleased = false end if gameState == 'gameMode' then mymenu:butt(gameState, VIRTUAL_WIDTH, VIRTUAL_HEIGHT, modeSelectorButtons, sounds, 'middle') love.keyboard.mouseisReleased = false end if gameState == 'menu' then mymenu:butt(gameState, VIRTUAL_WIDTH, VIRTUAL_HEIGHT, buttons, sounds, 'middle') love.keyboard.mouseisReleased = false end if gameState == 'difficulty' then mymenu:butt(gameState, VIRTUAL_WIDTH, VIRTUAL_HEIGHT, difbuttons, sounds, 'middle') love.keyboard.mouseisReleased = false end if gameState == 'multiMode' then mymenu:butt(gameState, VIRTUAL_WIDTH, VIRTUAL_HEIGHT, playerCountButtons, sounds, 'playercount') love.keyboard.mouseisReleased = false end if gameState == 'prdiff' then mymenu:butt(gameState, VIRTUAL_WIDTH, VIRTUAL_HEIGHT, pracdiff, sounds, 'playercount') love.keyboard.mouseisReleased = false end end editor() if (gameState == 'start') then VIRTUAL_WIDTH * 0.4, VIRTUAL_HEIGHT * 0.5 )"Press Enter to Start", WINDOW_WIDTH / -10 , VIRTUAL_HEIGHT / 8),255,255,255) end end if gameState == 'assign' then controlChanger() end simpleScale.unSet() end -- push:apply('end') function controllerSer() for i = 1, maxBalls do if (ball[i].dy == 0) then hitNum[i] = hitNum[i] +1 --love.window.setTitle(hitNum[i]) if hitNum[i] >= 10 then ball[i].dy = 1 hitNum[i] = 0 end else hitNum[i] = 0 end end end function palleteController() if (areanuclear == 0) then player1.RED = 1 player1.GREEN = 1 player1.BLUE = 1 end if (areanuclear == 0) then player2.RED = 1 player2.GREEN = 1 player2.BLUE = 1 end if (areanuclear == 1) then player1.RED = 0 player1.GREEN = 0 player1.BLUE = 0 end if (areanuclear == 1) then player2.RED = 0 player2.GREEN = 0 player2.BLUE = 0 end end function love.wheelmoved(x, y) if (y < 0 and wall1width > 0) then wall1width = wall1width - 5 elseif y > 0 and wall1width < 900 then wall1width = wall1width + 5 end end function serveBot() if (gameState == '1serve') then updateTEXT = '' if (gameMode ~= 'practice') then TEXT = 'PLAYER 1, serve!(q)' end if (love.keyboard.isDown('q') or gameMode == 'practice') then TEXT = 'Lets Begin!' ball_DIR = 1 for i = 1, maxBalls do ball[i]:reset(i) end --love.window.setTitle("An atttttttt") gameState = 'play' end end if (gameState == '2serve') then TEXT = 'PLAYER 2, serve!(p)' if (AGAINST_AI == 1) then TEXT = '' ball_DIR = -1 for i = 1, maxBalls do ball[i]:reset(i) end --love.window.setTitle("An atttttttt") gameState = 'play' end if (love.keyboard.isDown('p') and AGAINST_AI == 0) then TEXT = 'Lets Begin' ball_DIR = -1 for i = 1, maxBalls do ball[i]:reset(i) end --love.window.setTitle("An atttttttt") gameState = 'play' end end end function mapChanger() for i = 1, maxBalls do if (gameState == 'editor') then MAP_TYPE = 2 end if (MAP_TYPE > 2) then MAP_TYPE = 0 end if (gameMode == 'practice') then MAP_TYPE = 0 if ball[i].x > VIRTUAL_WIDTH * 0.99 then soundtype = love.math.random(1, 5) sounds['wallhit']:setPitch(ballSpeed/250) sounds['wallhit']:play() if (ball[i].dx > 0) then ball[i].x = ball[i].x - 20 else ball[i].x = ball[i].x + 20 end ball[i].dx = -ball[i].dx end end if (MAP_TYPE == 1) then if ball[i].y < VIRTUAL_HEIGHT * 0.3 and ball[i].x > VIRTUAL_WIDTH * 0.5 and ball[i].x < VIRTUAL_WIDTH * 0.5 + 5 then soundtype = love.math.random(1, 5) sounds['wallhit']:setPitch(ballSpeed/250) sounds['wallhit']:play() if (ball[i].dx > 0) then ball[i].x = ball[i].x - 20 else ball[i].x = ball[i].x + 20 end ball[i].dx = -ball[i].dx end if ball[i].y > VIRTUAL_HEIGHT * 0.7 and ball[i].x > VIRTUAL_WIDTH * 0.5 and ball[i].x < VIRTUAL_WIDTH * 0.5 + 5 then soundtype = love.math.random(1, 5) sounds['wallhit']:setPitch(ballSpeed/250) sounds['wallhit']:play() if (ball[i].dx > 0) then ball[i].x = ball[i].x - 20 else ball[i].x = ball[i].x + 20 end ball[i].dx = -ball[i].dx end end if (MAP_TYPE == 2) then for i, wall in ipairs(walls) do if (ball[1].y > wall.wally and ball[1].y < wall.wally+wall.wallheight and ball[1].x > wall.wallx - ballSpeed/200 and ball[1].x < wall.wallx + 10 + ballSpeed/200) then controllerSer() soundtype = love.math.random(1, 5) sounds['wallhit']:setPitch(ballSpeed/250) sounds['wallhit']:play() if (ball[1].dx > 0) then ball[1].x = ball[1].x - 1 else ball[1].x = ball[1].x + 1 end ball[1].dx = -ball[1].dx elseif (ball[1].y > wall.wally-15 and ball[1].y < wall.wally+wall.wallheight+10 and ball[1].x > wall.wallx and ball[1].x < wall.wallx + 10) then controllerSer() soundtype = love.math.random(1, 5) sounds['wallhit']:setPitch(ballSpeed/250) sounds['wallhit']:play() if (ball[1].dy > 0) then ball[1].y = ball[1].y - 1 else ball[1].y = ball[1].y + 1 end ball[1].dy = -ball[1].dy end end end end end function resolutionChanger() if (RESOLUTION_SET > 1) then RESOLUTION_SET = 0 end if (RESOLUTION_SET == 0 ) then if (isFullscreen == 1) then DIFFERENCE_X = 1 DIFFERENCE_Y = 1 simpleScale.updateWindow(WINDOW_WIDTH, WINDOW_HEIGHT,{fullscreen = false}) isFullscreen = 0 end end if (RESOLUTION_SET == 1) then if (isFullscreen == 0) then simpleScale.updateWindow(WINDOW_WIDTH, WINDOW_HEIGHT, {fullscreen = true}) local newWidth = local newHeight = DIFFERENCE_X = VIRTUAL_WIDTH / newWidth DIFFERENCE_Y = VIRTUAL_HEIGHT / newHeight isFullscreen = 1 end end end function resettinggenius() maxBalls = 1 for i =1, maxBalls do ball[i]:reset(i) end paddle_SPEED = 20 nuclearanimation = 3 timeIsSlow =false timeIsSlow2 = false originalSpeed = 200 gameState = 'menu' gameMode = 'notpracticd' ballSet = 200 ballSpeed = ballSet player2.GREEN = 255 player2.BLUE = 255 player1.GREEN = 255 player1.BLUE = 255 player1score = 0 player2score = 0 potentialnuke1 = 0 potentialnuke2 = 0 striken = 0 areanuclear = 0 potentialstrike1 = 0 potentialstrike2 = 0 player1nukescore = 0 player2nukescore = 0 player1reverbav = 0 player2reverbav = 0 selecting = 0 AGAINST_AI = 0 end function animator(dt) if (gameState == 'animation') then time_1 = time_1 + dt light = 255 - time_1 * 85 if (light < 0) then time_1 = 0 light = 0 gameState = 'start' end end end function callAnimator(),255,255,light/255),0,0) end function love.mousereleased(x, y, button) love.keyboard.mouseisReleased = true if (gameState == 'editor') then if (#walls < 1000 and button == 1 and blockinput ~= true) then table.insert(walls, newWall(x*DIFFERENCE_X,y*DIFFERENCE_Y, 10, wall1width)) end end end