@@ -1299,7 +1299,7 @@ function serveBot() --THIS IS USED TO CHANGE TEXT/BALL DIRECTION ON DIFFERENT SE
if (gameMode ~= "practice") then
TEXT = "PLAYER 1, serve!(q)"
if ((globalState ~= "clienttest" and love.keyboard.isDown("q")) or gameMode == "practice" or (lastSentKeyClient == "q" and globalState == "clienttest")) then
if ((globalState ~= "clienttest" and love.keyboard.isDown("q")) or gameMode == "practice" or (confirmation == "up1" and love.keyboard.isDown("q")) or (confirmation == "up2" and lastSentKeyP1 == "q") == "q" and globalState == "clienttest")) then
TEXT = "Lets Begin!"
ball_DIR = 1
for i = 1, maxBalls do
@@ -1321,7 +1321,7 @@ function serveBot() --THIS IS USED TO CHANGE TEXT/BALL DIRECTION ON DIFFERENT SE
gameState = "play"
if ((lastSentKeyClient == "p" or love.keyboard.isDown("p"))and AGAINST_AI == 0) then
if (((confirmation == "up1" and lastSentKeyP2 == "p") or ((globalState ~= "clienttest" or confirmation == "up2") and love.keyboard.isDown("p")))and AGAINST_AI == 0) then