@@ -0,0 +1,252 @@ |
local ffi = require "ffi" |
local discordRPClib = ffi.load("discord-rpc") |
ffi.cdef[[ |
typedef struct DiscordRichPresence { |
const char* state; /* max 128 bytes */ |
const char* details; /* max 128 bytes */ |
int64_t startTimestamp; |
int64_t endTimestamp; |
const char* largeImageKey; /* max 32 bytes */ |
const char* largeImageText; /* max 128 bytes */ |
const char* smallImageKey; /* max 32 bytes */ |
const char* smallImageText; /* max 128 bytes */ |
const char* partyId; /* max 128 bytes */ |
int partySize; |
int partyMax; |
const char* matchSecret; /* max 128 bytes */ |
const char* joinSecret; /* max 128 bytes */ |
const char* spectateSecret; /* max 128 bytes */ |
int8_t instance; |
} DiscordRichPresence; |
typedef struct DiscordUser { |
const char* userId; |
const char* username; |
const char* discriminator; |
const char* avatar; |
} DiscordUser; |
typedef void (*readyPtr)(const DiscordUser* request); |
typedef void (*disconnectedPtr)(int errorCode, const char* message); |
typedef void (*erroredPtr)(int errorCode, const char* message); |
typedef void (*joinGamePtr)(const char* joinSecret); |
typedef void (*spectateGamePtr)(const char* spectateSecret); |
typedef void (*joinRequestPtr)(const DiscordUser* request); |
typedef struct DiscordEventHandlers { |
readyPtr ready; |
disconnectedPtr disconnected; |
erroredPtr errored; |
joinGamePtr joinGame; |
spectateGamePtr spectateGame; |
joinRequestPtr joinRequest; |
} DiscordEventHandlers; |
void Discord_Initialize(const char* applicationId, |
DiscordEventHandlers* handlers, |
int autoRegister, |
const char* optionalSteamId); |
void Discord_Shutdown(void); |
void Discord_RunCallbacks(void); |
void Discord_UpdatePresence(const DiscordRichPresence* presence); |
void Discord_ClearPresence(void); |
void Discord_Respond(const char* userid, int reply); |
void Discord_UpdateHandlers(DiscordEventHandlers* handlers); |
]] |
local discordRPC = {} -- module table |
-- proxy to detect garbage collection of the module |
discordRPC.gcDummy = newproxy(true) |
local function unpackDiscordUser(request) |
return ffi.string(request.userId), ffi.string(request.username), |
ffi.string(request.discriminator), ffi.string(request.avatar) |
end |
-- callback proxies |
-- note: callbacks are not JIT compiled (= SLOW), try to avoid doing performance critical tasks in them |
-- luajit.org/ext_ffi_semantics.html |
local ready_proxy = ffi.cast("readyPtr", function(request) |
if discordRPC.ready then |
discordRPC.ready(unpackDiscordUser(request)) |
end |
end) |
local disconnected_proxy = ffi.cast("disconnectedPtr", function(errorCode, message) |
if discordRPC.disconnected then |
discordRPC.disconnected(errorCode, ffi.string(message)) |
end |
end) |
local errored_proxy = ffi.cast("erroredPtr", function(errorCode, message) |
if discordRPC.errored then |
discordRPC.errored(errorCode, ffi.string(message)) |
end |
end) |
local joinGame_proxy = ffi.cast("joinGamePtr", function(joinSecret) |
if discordRPC.joinGame then |
discordRPC.joinGame(ffi.string(joinSecret)) |
end |
end) |
local spectateGame_proxy = ffi.cast("spectateGamePtr", function(spectateSecret) |
if discordRPC.spectateGame then |
discordRPC.spectateGame(ffi.string(spectateSecret)) |
end |
end) |
local joinRequest_proxy = ffi.cast("joinRequestPtr", function(request) |
if discordRPC.joinRequest then |
discordRPC.joinRequest(unpackDiscordUser(request)) |
end |
end) |
-- helpers |
local function checkArg(arg, argType, argName, func, maybeNil) |
assert(type(arg) == argType or (maybeNil and arg == nil), |
string.format("Argument \"%s\" to function \"%s\" has to be of type \"%s\"", |
argName, func, argType)) |
end |
local function checkStrArg(arg, maxLen, argName, func, maybeNil) |
if maxLen then |
assert(type(arg) == "string" and arg:len() <= maxLen or (maybeNil and arg == nil), |
string.format("Argument \"%s\" of function \"%s\" has to be of type string with maximum length %d", |
argName, func, maxLen)) |
else |
checkArg(arg, "string", argName, func, true) |
end |
end |
local function checkIntArg(arg, maxBits, argName, func, maybeNil) |
maxBits = math.min(maxBits or 32, 52) -- lua number (double) can only store integers < 2^53 |
local maxVal = 2^(maxBits-1) -- assuming signed integers, which, for now, are the only ones in use |
assert(type(arg) == "number" and math.floor(arg) == arg |
and arg < maxVal and arg >= -maxVal |
or (maybeNil and arg == nil), |
string.format("Argument \"%s\" of function \"%s\" has to be a whole number <= %d", |
argName, func, maxVal)) |
end |
-- function wrappers |
function discordRPC.initialize(applicationId, autoRegister, optionalSteamId) |
local func = "discordRPC.Initialize" |
checkStrArg(applicationId, nil, "applicationId", func) |
checkArg(autoRegister, "boolean", "autoRegister", func) |
if optionalSteamId ~= nil then |
checkStrArg(optionalSteamId, nil, "optionalSteamId", func) |
end |
local eventHandlers = ffi.new("struct DiscordEventHandlers") |
eventHandlers.ready = ready_proxy |
eventHandlers.disconnected = disconnected_proxy |
eventHandlers.errored = errored_proxy |
eventHandlers.joinGame = joinGame_proxy |
eventHandlers.spectateGame = spectateGame_proxy |
eventHandlers.joinRequest = joinRequest_proxy |
discordRPClib.Discord_Initialize(applicationId, eventHandlers, |
autoRegister and 1 or 0, optionalSteamId) |
end |
function discordRPC.shutdown() |
discordRPClib.Discord_Shutdown() |
end |
function discordRPC.runCallbacks() |
discordRPClib.Discord_RunCallbacks() |
end |
-- http://luajit.org/ext_ffi_semantics.html#callback : |
-- It is not allowed, to let an FFI call into a C function (runCallbacks) |
-- get JIT-compiled, which in turn calls a callback, calling into Lua again (e.g. discordRPC.ready). |
-- Usually this attempt is caught by the interpreter first and the C function |
-- is blacklisted for compilation. |
-- solution: |
-- "Then you'll need to manually turn off JIT-compilation with jit.off() for |
-- the surrounding Lua function that invokes such a message polling function." |
jit.off(discordRPC.runCallbacks) |
function discordRPC.updatePresence(presence) |
local func = "discordRPC.updatePresence" |
checkArg(presence, "table", "presence", func) |
-- -1 for string length because of 0-termination |
checkStrArg(presence.state, 127, "presence.state", func, true) |
checkStrArg(presence.details, 127, "presence.details", func, true) |
checkIntArg(presence.startTimestamp, 64, "presence.startTimestamp", func, true) |
checkIntArg(presence.endTimestamp, 64, "presence.endTimestamp", func, true) |
checkStrArg(presence.largeImageKey, 31, "presence.largeImageKey", func, true) |
checkStrArg(presence.largeImageText, 127, "presence.largeImageText", func, true) |
checkStrArg(presence.smallImageKey, 31, "presence.smallImageKey", func, true) |
checkStrArg(presence.smallImageText, 127, "presence.smallImageText", func, true) |
checkStrArg(presence.partyId, 127, "presence.partyId", func, true) |
checkIntArg(presence.partySize, 32, "presence.partySize", func, true) |
checkIntArg(presence.partyMax, 32, "presence.partyMax", func, true) |
checkStrArg(presence.matchSecret, 127, "presence.matchSecret", func, true) |
checkStrArg(presence.joinSecret, 127, "presence.joinSecret", func, true) |
checkStrArg(presence.spectateSecret, 127, "presence.spectateSecret", func, true) |
checkIntArg(presence.instance, 8, "presence.instance", func, true) |
local cpresence = ffi.new("struct DiscordRichPresence") |
cpresence.state = presence.state |
cpresence.details = presence.details |
cpresence.startTimestamp = presence.startTimestamp or 0 |
cpresence.endTimestamp = presence.endTimestamp or 0 |
cpresence.largeImageKey = presence.largeImageKey |
cpresence.largeImageText = presence.largeImageText |
cpresence.smallImageKey = presence.smallImageKey |
cpresence.smallImageText = presence.smallImageText |
cpresence.partyId = presence.partyId |
cpresence.partySize = presence.partySize or 0 |
cpresence.partyMax = presence.partyMax or 0 |
cpresence.matchSecret = presence.matchSecret |
cpresence.joinSecret = presence.joinSecret |
cpresence.spectateSecret = presence.spectateSecret |
cpresence.instance = presence.instance or 0 |
discordRPClib.Discord_UpdatePresence(cpresence) |
end |
function discordRPC.clearPresence() |
discordRPClib.Discord_ClearPresence() |
end |
local replyMap = { |
no = 0, |
yes = 1, |
ignore = 2 |
} |
-- maybe let reply take ints too (0, 1, 2) and add constants to the module |
function discordRPC.respond(userId, reply) |
checkStrArg(userId, nil, "userId", "discordRPC.respond") |
assert(replyMap[reply], "Argument 'reply' to discordRPC.respond has to be one of \"yes\", \"no\" or \"ignore\"") |
discordRPClib.Discord_Respond(userId, replyMap[reply]) |
end |
-- garbage collection callback |
getmetatable(discordRPC.gcDummy).__gc = function() |
discordRPC.shutdown() |
ready_proxy:free() |
disconnected_proxy:free() |
errored_proxy:free() |
joinGame_proxy:free() |
spectateGame_proxy:free() |
joinRequest_proxy:free() |
end |
return discordRPC |