@@ -1,519 +0,0 @@ |
--[===================================================================[-- |
Copyright © 2016, 2018 Pedro Gimeno Fortea. All rights reserved. |
Permission is hereby granted to everyone to copy and use this file, |
for any purpose, in whole or in part, free of charge, provided this |
single condition is met: The above copyright notice, together with |
this permission grant and the disclaimer below, should be included |
in all copies of this software or of a substantial portion of it. |
--]===================================================================]-- |
local ffi = require 'ffi' |
local bit = require 'bit' |
local bytearray = ffi.typeof('uint8_t[?]') |
local intarray = ffi.typeof('int[?]') |
local int32ptr = ffi.typeof('int32_t *') |
local intertable = {0, 8, 4, 8, 2, 4, 1, 2, false} |
local function coresume(co, ...) |
local ok, err = coroutine.resume(co, ...) |
if not ok then |
error(err) |
end |
end |
local function gifread(self, length) |
while self.ptr + length >= self.buflen do |
coroutine.yield() -- wait for more input |
end |
local tmp = self.ptr |
self.ptr = self.ptr + length |
if tmp >= 24576 then -- this leaves 8192 as max read length (768 would probably suffice) |
ffi.copy(self.buffer, self.buffer + tmp, self.buflen - tmp) |
self.buflen = self.buflen - tmp |
self.ptr = self.ptr - tmp |
tmp = 0 |
end |
return tmp, length |
end |
local function gifupdate(self, s) |
if #s > 32768 then |
-- Creating a Lua string object is an expensive operation. |
-- Do it as seldom as possible. We split the input data |
-- into 32K chunks. |
for i = 1, #s, 32768 do |
gifupdate(self, s:sub(i, i + 32767)) |
end |
return |
end |
if coroutine.status(self.decoder) == "dead" then |
-- feeding data after the decoding is finished, ignore |
return |
end |
assert(self.buflen <= 32768, "Buffer overflow") |
ffi.copy(self.buffer + self.buflen, s, #s) |
self.buflen = self.buflen + #s |
coresume(self.decoder) |
return self |
end |
local function gifdone(self) |
-- free C memory immediately |
self.buffer = false |
return self |
end |
local function giferr(self, msg) |
print(msg) |
end |
local function gifpalette(palette, source, psize) |
-- Read a palette, inserting alpha |
for i = 0, psize - 1 do |
palette[i*4] = source[i*3] |
palette[i*4 + 1] = source[i*3 + 1] |
palette[i*4 + 2] = source[i*3 + 2] |
palette[i*4 + 3] = 255 |
end |
end |
local function gifdecoder(self) |
-- Read file ID and header |
local buffer = self.buffer |
gifread(self, 13) |
if ffi.string(self.buffer, 6) ~= 'GIF87a' |
and ffi.string(self.buffer, 6) ~= 'GIF89a' |
then |
self:err('Invalid GIF file format') |
return |
end |
self.width = buffer[6] + 256*buffer[7] |
self.height = buffer[8] + 256*buffer[9] |
local gpalettesize = buffer[10] >= 128 and bit.lshift(1, bit.band(buffer[10], 7) + 1) or 0 |
local background = buffer[11] |
self.aspect = ((buffer[12] == 0 and 49 or 0) + 15) / 64 |
local gpalette = bytearray(256*4) |
local lpalette = bytearray(256*4) |
local lpalettesize |
-- Read palette and set background |
self.background = background -- default value |
if gpalettesize > 0 then |
gifread(self, gpalettesize * 3) |
gifpalette(gpalette, buffer + 13, gpalettesize) |
if background < gpalettesize then |
self.background = {gpalette[background*4], gpalette[background*4+1], gpalette[background*4+2]} |
end |
end |
local p |
local GCE_trans = false |
local GCE_dispose = 0 |
local GCE_delay = 0 |
-- Allocate the buffers in advance, to reuse them for every frame |
local dict = bytearray(4096) |
local dictptrs = intarray(4096) |
local reversebuf = bytearray(4096) |
repeat |
-- Get block type |
p = gifread(self, 1) |
local blocktype = 0x3B |
local blocklen |
-- for simplicity (?), we fuse the block type and the extension type into |
-- 'blocktype' |
if buffer[p] == 0x2C then |
-- Image block |
blocktype = 0x2C |
elseif buffer[p] == 0x21 then |
-- Extension block |
p = gifread(self, 1) |
blocktype = buffer[p] |
if blocktype == 0x2C then |
-- there's no extension 2C - terminate |
-- (avoids ambiguity with block type 2C) |
blocktype = 0x3B |
end |
elseif buffer[p] ~= 0x3B then |
self:err(string.format("Unknown block type: 0x%02X", buffer[p])) |
break |
end |
if blocktype == 0x3B then |
-- Trailer block or invalid block - terminate |
break |
elseif blocktype == 0xFF then |
-- Application extension - may be loop, otherwise skip |
p = gifread(self, 1) |
blocklen = buffer[p] |
p = gifread(self, blocklen + 1) |
if blocklen >= 11 and ffi.string(buffer + p, 11) == 'NETSCAPE2.0' then |
-- these *are* the androids we're looking for |
p = p + blocklen |
while buffer[p] ~= 0 do |
local sblen = buffer[p] |
p = gifread(self, sblen + 1) -- read also the next block length |
if buffer[p] == 1 and sblen >= 3 then |
-- looping subblock - that's for us |
self.loop = buffer[p + 1] + 256 * buffer[p + 2] |
end |
p = p + sblen -- advance to next block |
end |
else |
-- skip entire block |
p = p + blocklen |
while buffer[p] ~= 0 do |
gifread(self, buffer[p]) |
p = gifread(self, 1) |
end |
end |
elseif blocktype == 0x01 or blocktype == 0xFE then |
-- Text or Comment Extension - not processed by us, skip |
p = gifread(self, 1) -- read length |
if blocktype < 0x01 then |
-- skip the block header (contains a length field) |
p = gifread(self, buffer[p] + 1) + buffer[p] |
-- the text extension "consumes" the GCE, so we clear it |
GCE_trans = false |
GCE_dispose = 0 |
GCE_delay = 0 |
end |
while buffer[p] ~= 0 do |
p = gifread(self, buffer[p] + 1) + buffer[p] |
end |
elseif blocktype == 0xF9 then |
-- Graphic Control Extension |
p = gifread(self, 1) |
blocklen = buffer[p] |
p = gifread(self, blocklen + 1) |
if blocklen >= 4 then |
GCE_delay = (buffer[p+1] + 256 * buffer[p+2]) / 100 |
GCE_trans = bit.band(buffer[p], 1) ~= 0 and buffer[p + 3] |
GCE_dispose = bit.rshift(bit.band(buffer[p], 0x1C), 2) |
end |
p = p + blocklen |
while buffer[p] ~= 0 do |
p = gifread(self, buffer[p] + 1) + buffer[p] |
end |
elseif blocktype == 0x2C then |
-- Here be dragons |
p = gifread(self, 9) |
local x, y = buffer[p] + 256*buffer[p+1], buffer[p+2] + 256*buffer[p+3] |
local w, h = buffer[p+4] + 256*buffer[p+5], buffer[p+6] + 256*buffer[p+7] |
if w == 0 or h == 0 then |
self:err('Zero size image') |
break |
end |
local img = love.image.newImageData(w, h) |
local dataptr = ffi.cast(int32ptr, img:getPointer()) |
self.imgs[#self.imgs + 1] = GCE_dispose |
self.imgs[#self.imgs + 1] = GCE_delay |
self.imgs[#self.imgs + 1] = img |
self.imgs[#self.imgs + 1] = x |
self.imgs[#self.imgs + 1] = y |
self.nimages = self.nimages + 1 |
local flags = buffer[p+8] |
if flags >= 128 then |
-- Has local palette |
lpalettesize = bit.lshift(1, bit.band(flags, 7) + 1) |
p = gifread(self, lpalettesize*3) |
gifpalette(lpalette, buffer + p, lpalettesize) |
else |
-- No local palette - copy the global palette to the local one |
ffi.copy(lpalette, gpalette, gpalettesize*4) |
lpalettesize = gpalettesize |
end |
if GCE_trans and GCE_trans < lpalettesize then |
-- Clear alpha |
lpalette[GCE_trans*4 + 3] = 0 |
end |
local interlace = bit.band(flags, 64) ~= 0 and 1 |
-- LZW decoder. |
-- This could really use another coroutine for |
-- simplicity, as there's another producer/consumer, |
-- but we won't go there. |
p = gifread(self, 2) |
local LZWsize = buffer[p] |
p = p + 1 |
if LZWsize == 0 or LZWsize > 11 then |
self:err("Invalid code size") |
break |
end |
local codebits = LZWsize + 1 |
local clearcode = bit.lshift(1, LZWsize) -- End-of-stream is always clearcode+1 |
local dictlen = clearcode + 2 |
local bitstream, bitlen = 0, 0 |
x, y = 0, 0 |
local nextlenptr = p |
local oldcode |
local walkcode |
local nrows = 0 -- counts vertical rows, used because interlacing makes the last y invalid |
local row = 0 |
repeat |
-- Are there enough bits in curcode? Do we need to read more data? |
if bitlen >= codebits and y then |
-- Extract next code |
local code = bit.band(bitstream, bit.lshift(1, codebits) - 1) |
bitstream = bit.rshift(bitstream, codebits) |
bitlen = bitlen - codebits |
if code == clearcode then |
codebits = LZWsize + 1 |
dictlen = clearcode + 2 |
oldcode = false |
elseif code == clearcode + 1 then |
if x ~= 0 or nrows ~= h then |
self:err("Soft EOD before all rows were output") |
end |
-- signal end of processing |
-- (further data won't be read, but we need to follow the blocks) |
y = false |
else |
-- The dictionary is stored as a list of back pointers. |
-- We need to reverse the order to output the entries. |
-- We use a reverse buffer for that. |
local reverseptr = 4095 |
-- Is this code already in the table? |
if code < dictlen then |
-- Already in the table - get the string from the table |
walkcode = code |
while walkcode >= clearcode do |
reversebuf[reverseptr] = dict[walkcode] |
reverseptr = reverseptr - 1 |
walkcode = dictptrs[walkcode] |
end |
reversebuf[reverseptr] = walkcode |
-- Add to the table |
if oldcode then |
if dictlen < 4096 then |
dictptrs[dictlen] = oldcode |
dict[dictlen] = walkcode |
dictlen = dictlen + 1 |
if dictlen ~= 4096 and bit.band(dictlen, dictlen - 1) == 0 then |
-- perfect power of two - increase code size |
codebits = codebits + 1 |
end |
end |
end |
oldcode = code |
else |
-- Not in the table - deal with the special case |
-- The compressor has created a new code, which must be the next |
-- in sequence. We know what it must contain. |
-- It must contain oldcode + first character of oldcode. |
if code > dictlen or not oldcode or not walkcode then |
self:err("Broken LZW") |
break |
end |
-- Add to the table |
if oldcode then |
if dictlen < 4096 then |
dictptrs[dictlen] = oldcode |
dict[dictlen] = walkcode |
dictlen = dictlen + 1 |
if dictlen ~= 4096 and bit.band(dictlen, dictlen - 1) == 0 then |
-- perfect power of two - increase code size |
codebits = codebits + 1 |
end |
end |
end |
oldcode = code |
walkcode = oldcode |
while walkcode >= clearcode do |
reversebuf[reverseptr] = dict[walkcode] |
reverseptr = reverseptr - 1 |
walkcode = dictptrs[walkcode] |
end |
reversebuf[reverseptr] = walkcode |
end |
if y then |
for i = reverseptr, 4095 do |
local c = reversebuf[i] |
if c >= lpalettesize then c = 0 end |
c = ffi.cast(int32ptr, lpalette)[c] |
dataptr[x + row] = c |
if interlace then |
-- The passes 1, 2, 3, 4 correspond to the |
-- values 1, 3, 5, 7 of 'interlace'. |
if self.progressive and interlace < 7 and y + 1 < h then |
-- In any pass but the last, there are at least 2 lines. |
dataptr[x + row + w] = c |
if interlace < 5 and y + 2 < h then |
-- In the first two passes, there are at least 4 lines. |
dataptr[x + row + w*2] = c |
if y + 3 < h then |
dataptr[x + row + w*3] = c |
if interlace < 3 and y + 4 < h then |
-- In the first pass there are 8 lines. |
dataptr[x + row + w*4] = c |
if y + 5 < h then |
dataptr[x + row + w*5] = c |
if y + 6 < h then |
dataptr[x + row + w*6] = c |
if y + 7 < h then |
dataptr[x + row + w*7] = c |
end |
end |
end |
end |
end |
end |
end |
-- Advance pixel |
x = x + 1 |
if x >= w then |
-- Skip to next interlaced row |
x = 0 |
nrows = nrows + 1 |
y = y + intertable[interlace + 1] |
if y >= h then |
interlace = interlace + 2 |
if interlace > 7 then |
y = false |
else |
y = intertable[interlace] |
end |
end |
if y then |
row = y * w |
end |
end |
else |
-- No interlace, just increment y |
x = x + 1 |
if x >= w then |
x = 0 |
y = y + 1 |
nrows = y |
if y >= h then |
y = false |
else |
row = y * w |
end |
end |
end |
end |
else |
-- This should not happen. |
self:err('Data past the end of the image') |
end |
end |
else |
-- Not enough bits, grab 8 more |
if p >= nextlenptr then |
-- End of this subblock - read next subblock |
assert(p == nextlenptr) |
local sblen = buffer[nextlenptr] |
if sblen == 0 then |
-- no more data |
if y then |
self:err("Hard EOD before the end of the image") |
end |
break |
end |
p = gifread(self, sblen + 1) |
nextlenptr = p + sblen |
end |
if y then |
bitstream = bitstream + bit.lshift(buffer[p], bitlen) |
bitlen = bitlen + 8 |
p = p + 1 |
else |
-- end of data - fast forward to end of block |
p = nextlenptr |
end |
end |
until false |
GCE_trans = false |
GCE_dispose = 0 |
GCE_delay = 0 |
self.ncomplete = self.nimages |
else |
break |
end |
until false |
end |
local function gifframe(self, n) |
n = (n-1) % self.nimages + 1 |
return self.imgs[n*5-2], self.imgs[n*5-1], self.imgs[n*5], self.imgs[n*5-3], self.imgs[n*5-4] |
end |
local function gifnew(retver) |
if retver == "version" then |
return 0x010002 |
-- else just ignore it and create the object |
end |
local self = { |
update = gifupdate; |
done = gifdone; |
frame = gifframe; |
err = giferr; |
background = false; |
width = false; |
height = false; |
imgs = {}; |
nimages = 0; |
ncomplete = 0; |
buffer = bytearray(65536); |
buflen = 0; |
ptr = 0; |
progressive = false; |
loop = false; |
aspect = false; |
decoder = coroutine.create(gifdecoder); |
} |
-- pass self to the coroutine (will return immediately for lack of data) |
coresume(self.decoder, self) |
return self |
end |
return gifnew |